15 years ago
hadn't missed Mukuro's frequent visits to his classroom. Once every thirty minutes, on the dot.
latest #214
15 years ago
would look and see Mukuro waving at him from outside the window, and. Blink or give a strained smile, at the most.
15 years ago
didn't want to get in trouble, though, so he'd look to the front immediately after and try to pay attention to the lecture.
15 years ago
would feel dismayed, but he knew that the other boy was only worried about him.
15 years ago
got up from his chair the moment the bell for lunch rang, and immediately went outside to check on Mukuro.
15 years ago
smiled and stood up when Tsuna came out of the class and walked over to him. "How are you feeling? :3"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Not bad...
15 years ago
shook his head. "Don't you have class? D:"
15 years ago
blinks. "But it's lunch. ._."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I meant earlier. You kept coming here every thirty minutes.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
I snuck out. |3
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Tsuna says
15 years ago
*worriedly* T-that's not good. What if you get caught? You'll be thrown into detention.
15 years ago
shrugs. "I'll just tell them I'm going to the bathroom. |3"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
=w= It'll look like you have loose bowels.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
Maybe I just wanted to fix my hair. |D
15 years ago
shook his head in exasperation, but he couldn't help laughing a bit at the image of Mukuro primping in front of the mirror.
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
... What are you laughing at? -w-
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Tsuna is
15 years ago
fighting off a sudden urge to mess up Mukuro's carefully-styled hair.
15 years ago
eyes Tsuna suspiciously for a moment. "... Oh well. Did you bring your lunch today, or should we buy bread? :3"
15 years ago
shook his head. "Okaasan packed a big lunch for me. =_= I told her that I can't finish it all, but..."
Mukuro says
15 years ago
|DDD Let's eat it together~
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Okay. o: Where do you want to eat lunch?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
Your classroom will be fine. ... Unless you want to get elsewhere?
15 years ago
looked into his classroom just in time to see Yamamoto dragging Gokudera out, maybe to their usual spot on the roof.
15 years ago
would prefer that they ate somewhere with less people, but Mukuro had sort of become a permanent fixture here already.
Tsuna thinks
15 years ago
that it's still too cold to eat outdoors, too.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
to Mukuro, "Um. Okay, in here, then, if you don't want to eat outside."
15 years ago
nodded and dragged Tsuna back inside, greeting a couple of the boy's classmates along the way.
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
, as he pulled a chair up to Tsuna's desk, "So, what's for lunch today? :3"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I don't know, I didn't check when she gave this to me this morning--
15 years ago
opened the bento box and found that it was full of assorted onigiri. o_o
Tsuna says
15 years ago
..... I really can't finish all this.
15 years ago
blinked and picked up a particularly odd looking onigiri from the bento box. ky.dance-school.jp/teati...
15 years ago
stares. ._____.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
........... *attempts to make the expression on the riceball*
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
looks up at Tsuna with that expression still on his face. "..?"
15 years ago
had been trying to hold it in, but it's sort of difficult, not with the kind of expression Mukuro was making right now--
15 years ago
turns away out of courtesy and bursts into helpless laughter.
15 years ago
frowned a little, looking at Tsuna in confusion. "... Tsunayoshi-kun? .__."
Mukuro has
15 years ago
no idea why Tsuna was laughing. .___. *blinks*
Tsuna says
15 years ago
A-ah, sorry. *struggles to regain control*
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
... What *were* you laughing at? .__.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
..... You were making a weird face. : |
Mukuro says
15 years ago
No I wasn't. .__.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Borrow a mirror from one of the girls and make that face again.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
........ .__.
15 years ago
turns around and tapped on the shoulder of one of the girls sitting in front of Tsuna's seat.
15 years ago
asked to borrow a mirror.
15 years ago
turns back with the mirror and made the same expression he did earlier while looking into it.
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
............. .__.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
, placing the mirror down, "... That's not me."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
S-stop copying the faces on 'kaasan's onigiri, then. :'D
Mukuro says
15 years ago
But they're looking at me like they're trying to challenge me. =3=
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Then you lose when you copy the faces.
Tsuna has
15 years ago
..... no idea what he's saying anymore. D:
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
... Why would I lose? ._.
Mukuro is
15 years ago
trying to copy the face of yaplog.jp/cv/ti-bo/img/1...
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
tries again. "Since you think they're goading you?"
15 years ago
added, "You lose when you give in to the urge to copy them."
15 years ago
stops. "... Oh. ._."
15 years ago
... stares at the onigiri.
15 years ago
...... bites into it. >3
15 years ago
sighed and continued eating his lunch.
Tsuna thinks
15 years ago
that Mukuro is acting like a kid again.
15 years ago
knew that he didn't have a childhood to speak of, but compensating for it in this way feels fairly ridiculous.
15 years ago
muttered, "... What was that word...?"
15 years ago
blinks up at Tsuna, his food half chewed. "Mm? o.o"
15 years ago
didn't hear Mukuro as he was too deep in thought. "... Not tsundere... not moe, either..."
15 years ago
offers, "... Yandere? |D"
15 years ago
shook his head. "That's not the same..."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
........ Ah.
15 years ago
reared back in his seat when he realized that he'd been speaking his thoughts out aloud. oAo
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
Did you figure out what it is? .w.
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
...... What were you thinking about, anyway? o.o
15 years ago
waved his hands emphatically. "No, but it's fine, it wasn't anything important!" :-D;;
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
... Are you sure? ._. I might be able to help if you tell me what it is.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Yes, I'm sure! o3o
15 years ago
hoped that he didn't sound too guilty or too relieved that Mukuro seemed to be dropping the issue.
Tsuna is
15 years ago
pretty sure. >_<
Tsuna is
15 years ago
pretty sure that he doesn't want Mukuro to know what he'd been thinking. >___<
Tsuna will
15 years ago
get teased mercilessly if Mukuro knew that he'd been thinking that the other boy was being "cute". ;;;;;
Mukuro says
15 years ago
... Hmm. .__.
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
Tsuna's response was a little... suspicious. =w=
Mukuro is
15 years ago
really interested in finding out what the other boy was thinking about now.
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
Mukuro will
15 years ago
probably drop it for now and ask him next time when he's distracted. >3
Mukuro says
15 years ago
... O-- *pauses*
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
...... >D
15 years ago
might have a better idea... 83
Mukuro says
15 years ago
I don't know, you seem to be bothered by it. .w.
15 years ago
shook his head. "Not really."
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
Really? ._.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
tries to smile reassuringly. :-D;;
Mukuro says
15 years ago
... But I want to know what it is. ;3;
15 years ago
repeated, "It's not important."
15 years ago
bites into his onigiri.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
But I think it is. ;3;
Tsuna says
15 years ago
It's really nothing.
15 years ago
... makes a sad puppy-dog face at Tsuna. "Am I so unreliable that you can't tell me what's bothering you? ;3;"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
D: It's not that!
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
Then what is it? ;3;
Tsuna hates
15 years ago
it when Mukuro pulls this act on him. =_=||
15 years ago
mumbled, "... I was trying to think of a word to describe someone acting cute and childish."
15 years ago
raises an eyebrow. "... Why? o.o"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
D-do you really need to know the why? It's enough that you know what's bothering me, isn't it?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
Mm. But why do you not want to tell me? ^_____^
Tsuna wonders
15 years ago
if he he can avoid answering by concentrating on his lunch.
15 years ago
starts chewing more carefully. :|
15 years ago
blinked. "...... Don't ignore me. ;3;"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
................ ;3;
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
..... .-.
Mukuro feels
15 years ago
... |D
Mukuro says
15 years ago
... I'll stop asking if...... *trails off*
Tsuna says
15 years ago
o__o If?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
......... If you feed me. |D
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
eyes at one of the onigiri, and contemplates shoving it at Mukuro's face.
15 years ago
chooses the less publicly humiliating evil.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
You were acting like a kid. I was wondering if you were conscious of it.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
No I wasn't. =3=
15 years ago
inwardly breathed a sigh relief. He didn't have to worry after all - Mukuro was too hung up on being called childish.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
... Yes, you were.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
... Explain. =3=
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
What did I do that made it seem like I was acting like a kid? =3=
Tsuna says
15 years ago
*slowly* You were making faces. At food.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
And you looked really smug when you took that first bite. ;;;
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
... And? .__. *doesn't get it*
Tsuna thinks
15 years ago
Tsuna says
15 years ago
... People don't normally do that. D:
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
Why not? .3.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Because only kids play with their food?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
But I wasn't playing with my food. =3=
15 years ago
sighed. "You were. Kind of. Well maybe not technically."
Mukuro says
15 years ago
See. =3=
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
But... what does that have to do with you trying to describe someone who's acting cute and childish? .__.
15 years ago
blinked. Slowly started to blush. "N-nothing."
Mukuro says
15 years ago
That can't be right. You wouldn't be thinking about it for no reason. .___.
15 years ago
tries to evade the question. "There was a word for it, and I was trying to think of what it was."
Tsuna says
15 years ago
You know that thing, at the tip of your tongue?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
Yes, but why would you be thinking about it all of a sudden? ._.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Because you were acting like it.
15 years ago
blinks. ._.
Mukuro thinks
15 years ago
.................... .___. *realization*
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
So... you thought that I was being childish... ...and cute..?
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I didn't say that! D:
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I just thought you were acting... uh...
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
You thought I was acting..? ^_____^
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
looked down and poked at his lunch.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
..... I don't want to answer that. >///>
15 years ago
chuckles. "So you *did* think that I was cute. |3"
15 years ago
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
... Do you want to pet my head? |333
Tsuna says
15 years ago
No, I--
Tsuna says
15 years ago
.__. Pet your head?
15 years ago
nods. |3
15 years ago
opened his mouth to say that he didn't want to, but--
Tsuna thinks
15 years ago
........... : |
Tsuna says
15 years ago
..... Not here.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
Or now.
15 years ago
added, "Maybe later?"
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
... Why not now? ;3;
Tsuna says
15 years ago
B-because lunch break is almost over, and I want to take my time?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
...... It's a one time offer. .w. Now, or never. |D
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I don't believe you. =w= Can you resist me if I *really* want to pet your head anytime I want?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
Would you like to bet on that? ^______^
Tsuna says
15 years ago
... I don't like to bet against you. It feels like I'll lose no matter what I do.
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
So would you like to pet my head now? ^________^
Tsuna feels
15 years ago
like he's being goaded. >:
15 years ago
eyes Mukuro mistrustfully.
15 years ago
smiles back at the boy, trying to look as innocent as possible. ^________^
15 years ago
really, really feels that he's being challenged. Like those onigiri challenging Mukuro. But--
15 years ago
can't help getting annoyed that Mukuro doesn't think he'll win the bet. >3>
15 years ago
muttered, "I'll take that bet." >3>
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
Oya, are you sure? ^_____^
Tsuna says
15 years ago
No. But I don't want to pat your head now because it'll look weird doing it in the classroom, and like I said, I want to take my time.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
...... It's just a pat on the head. What's so weird about that? ;3;
Tsuna says
15 years ago
... I dunno, I just don't feel like doing that now. *starts cleaning up his bento box*
Mukuro says
15 years ago
... Fine, your loss. -3- *flops onto the desk*
15 years ago
sits on his chair, ad Mukuro's head is right in front of him, on the desk. It'll be really easy to pat him on the head now.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
moves to flatten his palm on top of the spikes at the back of Mukuro's head.
15 years ago
... looks up at Tsuna. .__. "... Didn't you say you wanted to take your time?"
15 years ago
pouted and pulled his hand back.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I wasn't going to pet you.
15 years ago
only wanted to see if he could mess up those spikes and get them to flatten. That's different from petting.
Mukuro asks
15 years ago
Oh? What were you doing, then? ^___^
Tsuna says
15 years ago
I don't have to tell you. >_>
Mukuro says
15 years ago
......... I'm not leaving until you do. -3-
Tsuna says
15 years ago
... You'll find out eventually, I think.
Tsuna says
15 years ago
... Besides, I already admitted that I thought you were acting cute. =3= I'm not going to tell you any more than that.
15 years ago
blinks. "... Did you think that I was lovable too? |D"
Tsuna says
15 years ago
*thinks, fidgets* =_= If I say yes, will you go back to your classroom?
Mukuro says
15 years ago
I might consider it. |3
15 years ago
looked away, to the side, and mumbled. "I always think you're lovable. Why else would I be with you?"
Mukuro feels
15 years ago
Mukuro says
15 years ago
... You're speaking too softly. I can't hear you. |3
15 years ago
turned back to the front with an annoyed huff and repeated what he said in a louder voice, but just loud enough for Mukuro to hear.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
|3 *leans over to kiss Tsuna briefly on the lips* <3
15 years ago
froze and blinked stupidly at Mukuro when he drew away after the kiss, and--
Tsuna says
15 years ago
15 years ago
chuckled at Tsuna's reaction and stood up, ruffling the boy's hair affectionately.
Mukuro says
15 years ago
, "I'll see you after school, Tsunayoshi-kun~♥" and made his way out of the classroom. |3
15 years ago
could only stare after Mukuro as he skipped out of the classroom.
15 years ago
hunched low in his seat when class started again and tried not to think too much about what happened. ;;;
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