what's wrong?, it wasn't me, it was Mic! LOL
no just alot of thing going on fixen to lose my medical though the county and can not aford it
being that services are being cut and requirements are getting tougher
not sure if my aunt will ever get medical
this is though the health departmet
every 6 months we have to be evaluated and they are saying i am married and working
hey even with insurance, which btw, we pay ALOT to have through my husband's job, you would not believe the medical bills I have
and on the other end of that, nobody will help us with financial hardship because we HAVE insurance
understand. We have been denied help because of our family medical tree
therefore we will cost them way more than if they helped us now
no where except being a rep for a few ciompanies and i would like to see the marriage certificate
has someone turned you in for being a rep?
i dont know but the married thing pisses me off more
because i sure dont remember getting married and i think i would
i don't think dh remembers it
i have a friend who's going through a divorce because she communicated about her dh
and that was good enough for htem to say she was common law
he dont either