why is it so wrong to believe we're not alone? it's daft to think we're not!
We're not alone, there has to be others
I don't think aliens are magic personally but yeah
I believe there may be something...but I don't believe it's a god or anything like that.
Aliens have to be real and man I hope I live to the point where we meet them
it would just be so amazing
Until I get zapped by lightning or something incredible happens to me face to face I'm going to be slightly cynical about it.
I dunno if I believe in magic magic persay
But I believe awesome things happen in the universe
Which are beyond human comprehension
Which is more a metaphorical magic than literal
And also I believe aliens are out there
I believe in magic-magic too but. LET'S GET BACK ON THE TOPIC OF ALIENS
so exciting
d you think aliens would look humanoid or- you know. Alien?
What is internet comprehension
DO YOU THINK ALIENS WOULD LOOK ALIEN omg i'm dumb you know what i mean
Its ok though - I do believe in aliens!
And I think aliens would look very unlike anything we've beheld on Earth
you know considering the logic that if there is other life out there, it would need to be on a planet similarly able to produce life
which means they would be beings evolved to either look just like us or be very similar in body type
so...how do we know there aren't already aliens on the planet
yeah! I guess I kind of figured if there was another planet out there that could support life like ours', that maybe they're
look similar-ish to us...
Like maybe we'll get some star trek looking aliens at best
it could be silicone based
our concept of what "life" needs
just only beginning to expand
I'm willing to bet they've been here for years studying us but ffffff
I just want to see a UFO so badly
still I'm sure that some aliens would look like humans
My dad saw one when he was young
you should watch Ancient Aliens
not unless you want to watch it for the comedy
its really clear none of those people know what they're talking about
"People like angels and depictions of people with wings CLEARLY IT MUST BE ALIENS"
I think it's possible there is life out there, but I'm seriously doubting the whole UFO and spaceship thing
or maybe people have just always been fascinated by FLIGHT
=_=; ancient aliens actually pissed me off
you don't need any logic behind thinking flying is cool
Watch their BEST SIGHTINGS OF series
I know Justice League did a thing where the Egyptians had met Hawkgirl's alien race and that's why they loved bird people
but Justice League is comic nonsense anyway
it's not claiming to be reality
the thought that even if we contacted aliens we probably won't be able to meaningfully communicate with them
first there's the issue of fundamental communication method, sound or sight or whatever else
and then tied up in that is the whole problem of psychology
how much of another species' meaning can we understand if their minds are incomprehensible to us?
Dude, dude, language is only a barrier for so long.
I fully believe once we meet other lifeforms we'll learn to communicate.
And it'll be fucking awesome.
guuuuuh talking about this stuff makes me excited
yeah justice league also had an episode where they time travelled to the big bang so
i'm talking about actual stuff thouuuugh
I know but I saw someone mention Hawkgirl and Egyptians
also the big bang was a thing, It just didn't have the hand of god opening to initiate it
probably /Progressive Catholic
but what are the chances that our concept of awareness even matches up with the way alien life works?
what if they're hiveminded starfish?
like maybe just normal sized starfist that are hiveminded and psychic
Let's meet Vulcans and those green women you know the ones
what if they're normal-sized hiveminded starfish
well we don't have a Super Man for him to get stuck to so maybe we'll be okay
I think we've been programmed to think anything not of Earth is a threat
I honestly don't think anything living out there in the vast universe, wondering if its alone, would seek out life just to destroy it.
Because I find the concept utterly beautiful.
yeah hopefully extra terrestrials don't have the same mentality to just kill stuff weaker than it and force it into menial labor
tactlesscat: I don't think so. Somehow, I imagine we're pretty base in our mindsets re: war and what not.
I like to believe they're advanced enough to be beyond that kind of thing
You know what would be cool? Aliens with double helix RNA genetic code. Usually, you only see that in viruses, but it's viable for life too.
There is just so much possibility
Won't it suck for us all if they don't have war or slavery but they do have some other horrible habit humanity would never even consider
Like social dung flinging?
Or the use of excruciating pain as a means of communication
"If they're so friendly, how come they put us in headlocks!?"
"Oh, that's how we say hello!"
"...How do you guys say good bye? gets kicked in the testicles HRRRRUGH should have known--"
"If you think that's weird, wait until you see how we pee!"
To be honest, cultural differences are something we can overcome.
"SO WE ARE NOT SO DIFFERENT AFTER ALLLeslie fucking Nielsen pees from his finger as well "
I'd reeeeally rather this plurk not be treated like a joke, guys. Genuine discussion I'm all for.
The whole pain thing kind of triggered it, sorry XD;
I was being serious for the record.
They might have some other traits that make it... difficult to coexist.
I apologize,
YonFellow. Just. That was what it reminded me of
Of course. right now it's all about communicating though
Just to know we're not alone
We may never be able to live alongside one another
But to even be able to communicate
Would be so wonderful. Chances are we've received plenty of hellos.
Our world is just brainwashed into thinking it's nothing at all.
It would be just as momentous as landing on the moon - more than that
In some cases threatened into not investigating.
It would be such a life-changing moment
Though in all honesty, I do not think it has happened just yet
They sent a record of the beatles into space. Records, because they're analog, are among the most intuitive forms of data storage.
And we are simply not ready
Now I'm thinking of Shran, the Andorian from Star Trek Enterprise. GOTTA GO SWOON
I wouldn't call it brainwashing in the majority of cases. Sometimes force is involved, but a lot of the time people are more preoccupied
I think Beatles music is a pretty good hello, all things considered.
with the immediately practical concerns
There've apparently been instances of binary.
But it's all speculative.
gosh i just really want to see them
YonFellow that, and there
have been a lot of hoaxes
so much want
So even if we've been bombarded with hellos
And wouldn't know the difference
There was also the whole finding-fossils-of-microorganisms-on-mars thing.
Oh, I do believe Mars had life
It just never got kickstarted like ours did
I also don't believe in the nonsense of aliens building the pyramids and such
I don't believe they built them.
I believe ancient civilisations saw them, though.
Humans did some cool shit, man, let us have it.
Not because I don't believe in aliens, but rather, notice that all the marvels that are said to be built by aliens are ones built
There have been drawings of unidentified flying objects for ages.
Humans have done wonderful things.
I like the thought of aliens.
by non-Eurocentric civilizations, because how dare we have those kinds of civilizations building awesome shit
Stonehenge. Easter Island. The Pyramids.
Which is just goddamn annoying to me, IMO
Consider this: We haven't found life yet, so any life that finds us is likely more technologically advanced then us.
Papi, calm down. That's not what we're saying.
Well, I... hadn't necessarily read that much into it. I just find this odd idea that we know everything that has ever been known to be a bit
silly. It's like. "Yeah, maybe they had something we didn't."
Oh yeah, no, I was just kind of saying, when the topic of aliens comes up, nearly anywhere, someone starts off with
It's amazing, the crazy shit you can build with only tools more than 300 years old.
"Yeah the built the Pyramids/Nazca/Atlantis/etc!"
So I just wanted to get that in before someone did come in and say that lol
But I do believe aliens could have been around for ancient civilizations
There's just not as much of a record to attest to it because either the people did not have the capacity to record it in a way that
long-term posterity could translate, or they attributed sightings to gods or godly phenomena