12 years ago
suddenly finds himself polishing a crimson red armor
latest #13
12 years ago
dismayed, he continues polishing the armor acting as if nothing is wrong. His fingers sweeps through an inscription on the armor
12 years ago
"..G....." He wonders how such a letter seems very familiar. Pondering upon it, he realizes that he doesn't know who he was anymore.
12 years ago
He knew he was human and alive but he cannot remember a thing other than the fact he was not in his own world
12 years ago
He observes that he is on a fairly small house and accepted that he is to be named G.....for now at least
12 years ago
and that he is at his house.
12 years ago
Strangely, he seems to like this "G" character's taste of-well pretty much everything-.
12 years ago
He finally finishes polishing the armor and set it aside. He left the house to inquire where he really is and finds that the house is
12 years ago
in the middle of the forest
12 years ago
/collects flowers in the forest in a dress./ Hmm~
(G) wonders
12 years ago
why is there a guy in a dress collecting flowers near his house
12 years ago
/sighs. Then notices you/ Oh! Hello...
12 years ago
points his bow at the wierd creature "dont come anycloser"
12 years ago
/blinks and tilts head./ What is wrong Sir....?
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