I'm not going to post to it since I'm terrible with meme tags, buuut I wouldn't mind doing some musebox/PSL stuff along these lines
are there any takers? o: I could also hit up other people's threads, if nobody minds slow tags
I'd definitely be interested!
....also as horrible as it is, I'd like to mix eye scream with some hallucination
your eyes are wrong. the only way out is to get rid of them
Oh mannnn that would be intense
anyway, are there any characters you'd like to pair up with Edgeworth for this? He's the only one I feel confident in atm
Right now I'm only really feeling confident with Sebastian & Jimmy, and Andrew off and on, but if there's anyone on my muse list you're
interested in I can probably do something with them... nightmare fuel is my friend, after all
our closest, dearest friend
hmn. got a link to your muselist?
...if you were more confident in them, I'd ask for a Silent Hill muse
I could definitely do one of them!
because Silent Hill and mindfuck goes as well together as peanut butter and jelly
if there were needles in the jelly
Alex is pretty much a constant voice for me, so much so that I forgot to list him XD
...or do we want to be terrible and go with Sasha
We should go with Cybil aaaand... hm
/nod/ Cybil seems like a good choice
She can handle the mindfuckery, but... she won't like it. And that's always fun
and tbh Edgeworth could use someone like that
I'm going to bed soon, but maybe we can start this tomorrow?