I'm Raz, and I play Edgeworth at Dirty Vegas
I'm a cook by trade, though I'm currently between jobs - thankfully that'll change this September
I finished my chef training earlier in the year, and I spend time cooking at home, baking, chilling out with my bf and our friends
Trade you food for massages.
and loafing around the tubes
ahahaha my dad was a chef
Though, word of warning: this plurk is more or less a glorified sock to keep people I know IRL from stumbling on my porn
so most of what I post is going to be RP stuff and stupid memes. If that's not your cup of tea, feel free to defriend or unfollow
Isn't that what Plurk is for?
That said, I do like chatting with people on their plurks, and talking with folks over IM
...i actually don't know. lol. he went to college for chemistry but didn't finish, i know that
/nod/ Sounds kinda like my dad, but instead of cooking, he went into computers
lol, that's what my mom does
went into science, but the higher he got, the more he went "...okay I gotta get out o here"
also, fandoms: I like both anime and live action stuff, and I'm falling back in love with science fiction
and murder mysteries, too
I'm also kinda-sorta into video games, but I haven't played anything new in a while. I just don't have as much time or them anymore