(omg, I did one of these just earlier today...my real one freakishly makes sense...)
(My real one is kind of funny. xD )
doesn't understand his answer...
(I am engaged to Zakuro b/c he told me and he got angry to me...the fudge?)
sighs, his is.... just... no.
sighs, rubbing his forehead a bit, "I licked Byakuran because I wanted to and he got angry to me."
(Pffffttt, I'm engaged with Alaude because my mom said so and he likes it / and he knows it. )
stares...he doesn't like that answer either...
"I seemed to hath punched Spanner-dono because he said and he's so happy with it..."
furrows his eyebrows, this game was a little odd....
wonders 12 years ago
why Spanner-dono would be happy about being punched...
doesn't think he really would.
(aww, at least I was on the other one...)
thinks 12 years ago
that he should hath been born on January 15...then it would hath been true. ^^
smiles, leaning over and kissing Basil on the forehead. Adorable.
frowns a little when he does that and looks down.
wonders 12 years ago
why he looks troubled, "Something wrong?"
(I'm engaged with Gamma and he's cool with it.)
keeps looking. "Ano...is there...a reason thou always kisses my forehead?" (nice xD)
/blinks./ This result is.....
(I'm engaged to Yamamoto because he said he's so happy with it...)
It's lucky to be engaged to your descendant?
...sweatdrops at Asari....
looks at Basil, "Hm, no reason..."
(pftttt. im engaged with yamamoto b/c im cool and he's so happy with it)
(Lucky. :T I got alaude... he seems scary Dx )
"I just mean...thou hast rarely kissed me recently...on the lips...I was just wondering if there was a reason for that...?"
(oops. i mean ryohei. i did it wrong Dx)
I kicked ryohei because he forced me....asshole trash
smiles, "I could kiss you on the lips if you'd like?"
"Well...thou dost not hath to if thou dost not find it appealing..."
frowns, honestly he didn't mind, he just thought it might embarrass the boy if he did it too much. He leans in and plants a soft kiss on -
a small squeak when he does that. He keeps staring at him with a surprised look even after he finishes.
pulls away with a small smile, studying the boy's face, "Is that better?"
[I ignored Giotto because I'm cool and he knows it. Yes. That works.]
his face grow warm. "S-so...thou...dost not think I am a bad kisser?"
raises an eyebrow, "Why would I think that?"
just heard it from someone else.../sideglance/
....Who would the person be? And how would they know he's a bad kisser?
still doesn't look at him and fidgets, hesitating to tell him.
stares straight at him, his smile faltering, "What is it, Basil, is something wrong, is there something you want to tell me?"
"B-byakuran-san told me. He, uh...kissed me actually..." He keeps looking away.
's smile falls, "Is that so...? Why did you kiss?", yes that is a hint of jealousy in his tone.
looks up at him. "I-I didn't...i-it was a game. I did not know what would happen and it happened so quickly..."
furrows his eyebrows, "What type of game were you playing?"
tries to remember. "Um...I think it was called...spin the bottle?"
to go kill Byakuran......
notices his expression. "Ano...Dino-san?" He was wondering what he was thinking.
's anger depletes upon seeing Basil's expression... he can't get angry with Basil there, after all, huh? "It's nothing..." he sighs...
figures he was upset about Byakuran, but decided to drop that part. "Ano...about my kissing..."?
nods, "You're a great kisser, plus you're still a kid, you'll get better with time." he smiled reassuringly.
(Whut? He's not gonna deny it, so what if he is? :T)
smiles brightly from hearing that. "Un!" He says with a nods. "I'll work hard to be better for thee!" (/facepalm/)
furrows his eyebrows, already knowing how awkward that sounded, "Just as long as it's not with anyone else, alright?" (I love you.)
looks at him for a moment, his smile faltering a bit before he nods. "Of course..." He makes sure to keep his voice steady.
the girlfriend....of Reborn....cause I'm a fangirl/or cause my mom said...and he knows it
chokes as he laughs out loud.
(( I ignored....Ken... because he said.... and he is so happy with it. Mine. ))
engaged with Reborn........ /leaves
Mukuro a look. That Reborn, even though he has Gokudera as his girlfriend...he is engaged to Mukuro.... /kinda mad
the one being cheated on here! >:C
not feeling better, cause he didn't know he is engaged :S
so does Gokudera.
('I punched Xanxus because Im a fangirl and he knows it'?)
finds some type of entertainment in their interaction... who knew Reborn was a playboy? ^^;
just stares, wondering what's gotten into them.