kinako1711 共有
12 years ago
latest #13
kinako1711 共有
12 years ago
I only have black cloth but I don't have 袴
by the way, I have black 袴(cry
kinako1711 話す
12 years ago
RABBT_GUMMY:  yes!縫上!
kinako1711 話す
12 years ago
t60737: I bought a hakama for the first time in the life, too. It was available unexpectedly cheaply (tongue)
kinako1711 話す
12 years ago
t60737: I want to take a photograph early!
wow~~~ by the way, my friends and I prepare for this version.
I prepare for 神童, and my friends prepare for 茜 and 天馬. Maybe we will finish them next year.
kinako1711 話す
12 years ago
t60737: I make a costume play of the madder, too!
kinako1711 話す
12 years ago
t60737: But clothes change is early an animated cartoon, and a costume play does not catch up with it
yes~~~ I prepare 神童拓人戰國編和裝
maybe I'll take photos on Saturday
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