Alexis is
12 years ago
confused. Why do Americans talk about politics so much. (dont hate me!) neither Canadians nor Brits seem to care as much as they do.
latest #97
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Because politics in the US are such a fucking disaster, and there's a large contingent actively trying to create a massive social schism
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
they can capitalize on to further their own bigoted agenda, mostly.
12 years ago
oh i understand that you have morons running against dickheads, but its always the same thing
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
To me, at least, it actually feels like they're trying to instigate a culture war here. And having lived in a few different countries, I
12 years ago
Also the political campagning schedule is way longer then any where else
12 years ago
so why does everyone still talk about it?
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
think I've something of a perspective on it.
12 years ago
They've pitted us against each other to make us poke and rant.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
You'd have to live in it to really appreciate it, I think, but short form answer is, it's still talked about because it's getting worse, and
12 years ago
oh i'm not trying to start a culture war, i genuinely dont understand.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
the ignorance is becoming not only more brazen, but even proud of itself, the discreet racism is becoming less discreet, etc.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
I don't mean you.
12 years ago
in the uk and in canada (ive lived in both) when people are annoyed at all the candidates we just ignore them ALL and dont vote. at all
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
I mean certain people/factions here in the US
12 years ago
ahh ok
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
They're trying to create a culture war, so they can use it to their advantage, and take back priviledge they've "lost" as something
12 years ago
12 years ago
I agree.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
approaching marginal true equality is on the horizon.
12 years ago
Unfortunately, we go by the theory that if you don't vote, you can't everybody has to pick somebody to vote for.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
And I've lived in the US, in Canada, and in Europe, and I can honestly say the climate of ignorance and provocation in the US is unique.
12 years ago
its funny because it always seems to hinge on the same crap: abortions, gays, healthcare and who can fuck up the economy the least.
12 years ago
same old story again and again
12 years ago
Yep. Because everybody keeps fucking up everything.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Prime example- the UK has the BNP, but they're not really taken seriously by anybody but themselves, they're a joke.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Here in the US, the equivalent of the BNP are a viable, high-profile group, who actually are taken seriously.
12 years ago
honestly i dunno that id say that you guys are that ignorant about your political stuff, its all anyone talks about.
12 years ago
in the canada and the uk, nobody cares enough to talk about it
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
No, what a lot of them talk about is the propaganda they've been fed by certain media outlets.
12 years ago
yeah the bnp does seem to be a bit of a joke
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
They don't actually know, or understand, much of it at all.
12 years ago
yeah but at least they talk about it, here (uk) nobody talks about it unless its to make fun of someone's eyebrows.
12 years ago
and in canada we dont really talk about it at all!
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
That's the thing, though- they don't really talk about it.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
They scream it at the opposition, and refuse to listen to anything anyone else has to say.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
I mean, hell, there are political ads on television, regular circulation, right now, that are easily, and demonstrably, 100% false.
12 years ago
it just seems so funny that its such a long, drawn out, dog-and-pony show over something that is irrelivant
12 years ago
no matter who gets elected, nothing will change
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Completely fabricated. And yet, people will still parrot that shit, rather than doing the slightest bit of research, and then belligerently
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
efend it.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
That's also not true, thatnothing will change.
12 years ago
hey will STILL fuckit all up, and by the end of the term, everyone will say "they broke all their promises, boo hiss!" and then oust them
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
There has been a spate of hugely transformative laws passed on the state level in the past few years, that some parties are trying to get
12 years ago
everyone thinks it wil change,but nothing does. it still will be a pile of capitalist nonsense
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
passed on a national level. Laws that enable an employer to fire a woman solely for being on birthcontrol, for example.
12 years ago
srsly? thats a law?
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
This is the kind of shit some of us have to fight against nonstop, because if we ever do quit fighting, it'll get ramrodded through.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Or, for example, laws that give parental rights to rapists who impregnate their victims.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Also a real law in numerous states.
12 years ago
i meant REAL changes. like actualy fixing your econmy, or your messed up healthcare system. not teeny fixes, REAL ones
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
States are trying to pass laws making it illegal to teach evolution in schools.
12 years ago
huge major reforms.
12 years ago
also there needs to be a law against morons.. who lets these laws pass?
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
And the healthcare reform process has begun, but the other side is openly saying that, if they get elected, they're going to undo everything
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Obama and company have done towards that end.
12 years ago
rape parents? birthcontrol firings? ignorant education? wtf.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
This is why it gets talked about a lot, and why some of us fight against this shit constantly.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Because if we don't, then the people who pass this shit get to define life in this country for everyone.
12 years ago
its a bit retarded that it needs to be talked about.. other civilized countries dont tolerate that crap.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Yeah, but other countries went through it in the past, as well- you have to recall the age difference of the nations here.
12 years ago
and 4 years to fix healthcare? its simple. pay a small monthly fee, and dont get raped by hospitals?
12 years ago
canada is the same age as you
12 years ago
(am canadian living with the brits)
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Yeah, but Canada is also technically still affiliated withthe Commonwealth, isn't it? An independent nation, but still modeled a bit after,
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
and connected to, the Brits, in many ways.
12 years ago
we are part of the common wealth, but they dotn exert any control over us, despite what the uk and the rest of the world think.
12 years ago
trudeau emancipated us form mommy queen in the 70s
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Yeah, but it's not an issue of control- it's a cultural thing.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Being part of the CommonWealth has certain elements of shared culture, a certain degree of civility, traditions, etc.
12 years ago
true, but with HC, its diff. in canada, we pay a monthly premium (some provinces at least) and pay for perscriptions.
12 years ago
in the uk HC is 'free' and perscrips are only 11 quid(or soemthing)
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Yeah, but again- that's a specific. I'm just talking overall culture(s), and just generally how things are done, and how people act.
12 years ago
and honeslty id have to say that we hav emore in common with youguys than the brits..
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Also, in the US, the days of ignorance are on the wane, in some ways- the anti-gay, anti-women, pro-racism, pro-patriarchy people are
12 years ago
and honeslty if things are workign in common wealth countries, why dont the americans stop messing around
12 years ago
nd ook at what the commonwealth is doign right
12 years ago
d try to do the same
12 years ago
pardon my typing, its late and im sleepy
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
losing ground, losing acceptance, and losing the fight to keep people who aren't White Christian Conservative Heterosexual Males down.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Death throes are never pretty, nor are they quiet.
12 years ago
no but why re they taking so damned long! just shoot it in the head and get it over with! lol
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
So, of coursethey're tantruming as loudly as possible, and being dragged kicking and screaming. It's the same shit that happened in the
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Civil Rights era.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
As for why they don't just get their shit together, don't ask me. I neither know, nor care- I'm more in favor of just executing bigots than
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
bothering to try to talk to them.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Only thing I hold lower than bigotry is rape. No tolerance whatsoever for either.
12 years ago
.. so am i. round them up and burn them in pits. the are bugging the rest of the world.
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
Works for me. Fuck'em, they're useless anyway, and all they do is poison the minds of the gullible and the young.
12 years ago
on the flip side, at least people there talk about it and VOTE. i, and mos other young people have NEVER voted, because we just dont care
12 years ago
it makes me nuts though that news outlets around the rest of the word have to hear about it. i don't give 2 shits about romney or obama.
12 years ago
yet i knwo more abtou them than the prime ministers of canada OR the uk.
12 years ago
and that seems messed up.
I would agree that is usually how it has been in US politics up until Obama ran for president. Since then its been the worst I could imagine
with parties, and candidates sinking to outrageous new lows, and saying such unthinkable things. Its past ignoring.
and instead of idiots &. dickheads you have zealots x 100
Daemon Mad
12 years ago
WhimsyWinx: Exactly. There's so much grotesque lowest-common-denominator and blatant xenophobia politics, it's sickening.
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