Welp. Dad's gonna divorce mom. He talked to me about it a few days ago. Dunno if he spoke to my sis yet.
Surprisingly, I don't hate him for this. Probably care about him more, now that I understand why everything is the way it is.
I'm more concerned about mom and how she'll react. She's frail and naive to the world in some ways.
I'm doing okay myself. I actually feel better now that I know what my dad was doing/feeling all this time
This is better than being left in the dark about their marriage, wondering if anything was my fault. Looks like none of it is. Divorce was
How do you think your sister will take it?
long coming and dad can't take the marriage farce anymore.
Uhhh my sis... I don't think we're particularly close so I dunno. Maybe she won't be as understanding. Closer to mom than I am.
Worried my mom will blame the divorce on me/us kids. Some BS about us "not doing enough" to "win our dad back".
Dad said mom threatened to commit suicide if divorce happened; scared him out of acting for a long time. Idk if she'd actually do it.
Bruce and I will be moving back to my mom's house relatively soon to be there for her, before/during/after the divorce happens.
Think dad will break the divorce news to her sometime this fall. Need to be around so she won't be so lonely. Sis isn't helpful in this area
Parents have separately said it's okay if Bruce moves in too as long as I'm back. Grateful for the compromise.

Oh, bb. I'm so sorry
And... I guess that's it without going into detail about stuff between parents. I'd ramble more, but it's late and I am on mobile
If anyone on my friends list has had experience with divorce and is comfortable talking about it, I may poke you in the nearby future
For now I'm off to bed o/ Everyone have a good night