Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
who knows stuff about diets?
latest #27
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
i was losing nicely suddenly i stopped losing and the weight stays the same or only goes up
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
and it drives me insane
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
yeah but i'm not eating anything and yet my weight is going up for no reason, so i eat something but it keeps going up
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
and i workout up to 4 times a week
12 years ago
are you exercising, too? you could be gaining muscle, possibly.
12 years ago
That's water weight, it means you're starving your body. Weight loss will occur rapidly then plateau.
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
i do, but it happens when i'm not exercising when i'm home chilling
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago what do i need to do?
12 years ago
Pp me if you want further advice
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
12 years ago
what do you mean you aren't eating anything?
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
i am eating
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
i'm not eating anything for like i guess few hours between lunch and supper and my body weight is going up
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago
i eat law calories food with alot of proteins
Yelo Uriza
12 years ago
1- portion size matters
2-when weight gets stuck, you need to eat more and work out more
Lady Nova Esq.
12 years ago when you say portion size, what do you mean? i don't eat big meals
12 years ago
if you are eating too little your body store the calories so that it can still function. So make sure you are eating enough.
Yelo Uriza
12 years ago
i mean that a lot of people seems to swallow a great deal of food without even noticing as well as mixing carbs with carbs
Yelo Uriza
12 years ago
i have no idea how you eat or what you eat you might as well not exaggerating with portion sizes but all too many people do
Yelo Uriza
12 years ago
it's a common mistake
12 years ago
You could message me mami. It's what you're eating. And it sounds like it's due to under eating.
12 years ago
Under eating by too much causes the body to go in starvation mode, making your metabolism slow down. Kinda was explained earlier
12 years ago
Most personal trainers will also suggest several smaller meals over three large ones. It boosts energy, with breakfast being your largest
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