mwilton13 asks
16 years ago
Any of you have a Nintendo Wii? If so can you recommend some good games?
latest #18
AGuyCalledRussell says
16 years ago
No More Heroes (but don't play around the kiddies), Mario Kart Wii, Boom Blox, Resident Evil 4, Zelda: Twilight Princess.
mwilton13 says
16 years ago
Sweet thanks guys! The biggest trouble I am having with Wii is that none of the games are known franchises so I don't have much to go on
mwilton13 says
16 years ago
I'm also noticing there aren't a TON of titles for the system yet even though it's a couple years old, which seems strange too
AGuyCalledRussell says
16 years ago
lack of franchise games is one of the big complaints about the Wii. Most of the games are geared toward the casual gamer, not the hardcore.
AGuyCalledRussell asks
16 years ago
what kind of games are you into?
mwilton13 says
16 years ago
I'm into a variety of games, but most of the time I am into Action/Adventure types or FPS's.
Jen says
16 years ago
I really enjoyed Twilight Princess... we also have The My Sims Kingdom.. it's super cute, and not hard at all, mostly something just fun to
Jen says
16 years ago
play and fill your time with. It's kind of cutesy tho...
AGuyCalledRussell says
16 years ago
There's a new FPS on WiiWare called Onslaught. Downloaded it yesterday and so far I'm liking it.
AGuyCalledRussell says
16 years ago
The Conduit is another FPS that's been getting alot of buzz. It comes out later this year.
AGuyCalledRussell shares
16 years ago
Onslaught (WiiWare) - Launch Trailer
AGuyCalledRussell shares
16 years ago
the conduit wii
Sufferkins says
16 years ago
I still have yet to rent this ninja one I glanced at while at Blockbuster.. I should put that on my to-do list. I'll let ya know! ;-)
mwilton13 says
16 years ago
You guys are awesome thanks for all the insight. I have a list of games to check out now. Just wish I had it yesterday while at Best Buy.
AGuyCalledRussell says
16 years ago
if you don't mind used games, check out GameStop and save a few bucks.
mwilton13 says
16 years ago
AGuyCalledRussell, yeah we've been hitting GameStop pretty regularly to find used stuff, but selection is limited.
mwilton13 says
16 years ago
We discovered tonight that Toys R Us actually has a decent selection.
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