12 years ago
went to visit Al, though by the time he got there, it was way late. So he let himself into his house and found him sleeping in his room. He
latest #627
12 years ago
didn't want to wake him so he slipped into the bed next to him and almost instantly fell asleep.
12 years ago
cuddled into him in his sleep. He was pretty comfortable like this.
England is
12 years ago
pretty exhausted. He drove the whole way there without stopping. He cuddled into him as he slepted.
12 years ago
12 years ago
(Bah... pretend that's Mattie)
12 years ago
stirs a it at the kiss, mumbling something in his sleep. He wasn't bound to wake up so easily any time soon.
12 years ago
looked pretty happy with that as he cuddled even closer to him. He buried his face in his chest mumbling something about loving him.
12 years ago
stirred a bit more, slowly waking up. He blinked a few times to clear his eyes of a bit of sleep. "Hmm?"
12 years ago
blinks a bit and smiles, "mmm... morning Al." He tightened his hold on him. "I didn't want to wake you."
12 years ago
smiled a bit, still sleepy as he leaned up a bit to kiss him gently. "O-Oh... you just seemed so comfortable."
12 years ago
blushes as he looked up at him and nuzzled into the hand. He smiled a bit at that, "I love you too Al." He liked these moments.
12 years ago
licked his lips after the kiss and smiled, "yeah... that's why I didn't want to wake you." He stroked his fingers through Al's hair lightly.
12 years ago
nods at that as he closed his eyes again. "If you want me to stay." He kissed him on the cheek. "I don't want to impose."
12 years ago
laughs softly at this and kisses him back as he squirmed away from the poking. "Oh well then..." he moved to yank all the blankets over
12 years ago
himself. "What'cha going to do?"
12 years ago
squeaked at that and fought back just as playfully. He hooked a leg around Al's waist and rolled so he was on top. "Uh huh?"
12 years ago
kisses him back and chuckles a bit against his lips. "Mm.... I love you." He was completely distracted now.
12 years ago
made a sound of indignation at that and quickly turned to grab them back from him. "You!" He tackled him for the covers again.
12 years ago
laughs at that, he knew wouldn't win in a fair fight... so he slid a hand down the front of Al's pants when he had the chance. "Mmm yes?"
12 years ago
grins at that reaction as he groped him lightly, teasingly. He managed to pull the covers with his free hand. "What?" he pretended to look
12 years ago
completely confused.
12 years ago
bats his eyelashes at that as he continued to pull the blankets away and distract him with his other hand. "I don't know what you're talking
12 years ago
12 years ago
grins at that as he gave the blanket one final tug and quickly rolled off the bed with it, pulling his hand out of Al's pants at the same
12 years ago
time. "I win."
12 years ago
laughs as he wrapped himself in the blanket. "You enjoyed it." He leaned over to steal a quick kiss before he pulled back and headed for the
12 years ago
12 years ago
glances over at him and grins. "I could finish it off for you if you want." He smirked with that, "if you make me breakfast."
12 years ago
smiles widely at that and watches him go down stairs. He went into the bedro
12 years ago
smiles widely at that and watches him go down stairs . He went into the bathroom and started a shower.
12 years ago
took a really quick shower before he headed down stairs. He wrapped his arms around Al's waist as he came up behind him. "Smells good."
12 years ago
rolls his eyes at that and kisses him back on the cheek lightly. "I'm sue it will," he rested his head lightly on his shoulder as he watched
12 years ago
him cook.
Mattie is
12 years ago
quite content like this as he hummed a bit. "So what have you been up to?"
12 years ago
smiles in return as he glanced up at him."Mmm sounds relaxing." He kissed him on the side of the neck again.
12 years ago
kisses him again lightly and nods. "I'd rather be with you for the relaxing too."
12 years ago
let's go of him with that and steps back. "Sure, my prince." He grinned with that.
12 years ago
nods and kisses him back before taking a seat at the table. "Prince charming maybe... Right now."
12 years ago
laughs at that as he leaned in to kiss him quickly in thanks. "Flattery will get you everywhere."
12 years ago
smiles as he took a sip of coffee before starting on his food.
12 years ago
grins over at him as he eats. "So what do you want to do today?"
12 years ago
blinks and smiles. "A date sounds wonderful."
12 years ago
smiles and blushes a bit. "That sounds like a good idea." He leaned over to kiss him lightly.
12 years ago
laughs a bit at that and nods in return as he finished his coffee and food.
12 years ago
got up to help clean up. He paused to kiss him on the cheek before started to clean the dishes in the sink.
12 years ago
looks over at him and blushes, looking a bit embarrassed. "I don't need an apron."
12 years ago
rolls his eyes at that and kisses him back. "Then we wouldn't get any cleaning done at all."
12 years ago
shrugs a bit as he worked on the dishes. "Maybe after our date. I'm not that easy you know."
12 years ago
looked over at him as he paused in his cleaning, looking skeptical. "Uh huh."
12 years ago
huffed a bit at that, "I never told you anything... and I'm sure that if I asked you to fuck me senseless right now, you would." He pointed
12 years ago
12 years ago
raises his brow at that and shrugs, "I've never known you to have self control."
12 years ago
shrugs as he finished cleaning the dishes. He hummed a bit cleaning.
12 years ago
glances over at him as he put the last dish away and nods. "Yep, all done."
12 years ago
nods and steals a quick kiss. "Sounds like a good idea to me."
12 years ago
shifts and turn and kiss him on the cheek. "Lend me a bathing suit?"
12 years ago
smiles and nods, "thanks." He hugged him happily with that.
12 years ago
rolls his eyes as he follows him. "Hmm ninety percent of the time."
12 years ago
laughs and pinches his butt lightly with that, "why would I tease you?"
12 years ago
grins as he follows him and shakes his head. "I'm not a tease. I have no idea what you're talking about."
12 years ago
takes them and smiles. "You should."
12 years ago
moves to peck him on the cheek in return. "I'm not silly."
12 years ago
shrugs and started to get undressed right there. He put on the swim trunks.
Mattie was
12 years ago
way past being concerned about that in front of Al. He did watch, maybe.....
12 years ago
laughs a bit when he turned around and smiles at him. "Very sexy Al."
12 years ago
kisses him back quickly, chuckling. "Very."
12 years ago
nods and holds onto his hand lightly, "lead the way."
12 years ago
follows him, squeezing his hand lightly and smiling.
12 years ago
yelps when he's picked up and clings to him. "Don't you dare!"
Mattie gives
12 years ago
him a warning look as he holds onto him tightly. "I will deny you sex for two months."
12 years ago
rolls his eyes. "It would be deserved."
12 years ago
pouts a bit, "not if you throw me into the pool."
12 years ago
huffs at that, "two days no sex."
12 years ago
did not have time to react as he was thrown in. He came up coughing and sputtering. "Al! You're so mean."
12 years ago
glares a bit at him before he swam over to him and grabbed him by the shoulders.
12 years ago
wrapped his legs around him so he couldn't get away and grinned a bit, "Al you're not going to get a fight."
12 years ago
lets go of him and pushes away. "Cause."
12 years ago
wrapped his arms loosely around him and smiles now. "You don't need an excuse to touch me."
12 years ago
laughs a bit at that, running his fingers through his hair and kissing him lightly. "Mm there are other activities that are good excersice
12 years ago
you know."
12 years ago
shrugs at that as he looked up at him. "If you want."
12 years ago
smiles at that and kisses him again, "yes hockey is much better."
12 years ago
goes beat red at that and flounders to pull them back up. "Al!" He huffed a bit still embarrassed. He would just deny him for a good week or
12 years ago
two as his revenge.
12 years ago
blinked a bit at that and quickly shook his head. "Nuh uh."
12 years ago
watches him and shakes his head lightly. "No it doesn't."
12 years ago
frowns a bit and shakes his head. "No..." he went skinny dipping all the time whenever he went camping...
12 years ago
stayed where he was so he could watch him. He leaned back and folded his arms over his chest.
12 years ago
raises a brow and shakes his head, "nope. I'm enjoying watching you."
12 years ago
shrugs, "am I not allowed to watch my boyfriend swim around naked?"
12 years ago
smiles now and swims over to him. "Would he?"
12 years ago
smiled at that before he dove under the water and swam back out of Al's reach.
12 years ago
came up near the other end of the pool and pushed his hair back over his hair. "Missed me."
12 years ago
laughs a bit as he stuck his tongue out at him. "Uh huh."
12 years ago
splashes him back and leans back against the edge of the pool. "And do what?"
12 years ago
smiles at that and splashes him again before going under the water again.
12 years ago
slipped away just in time and came up again, laughing.
12 years ago
laughs softly at that and moves over to him and kisses him on the lips lightly.
12 years ago
blushes a bit at that as he rested his own arms on Al's shoulders. "Well I did get it from Francis."
12 years ago
laughs at that, "so I shouldn't grow a beard?"
12 years ago
smiles at that, "I wouldn't do it anyway. I don't think it would work."
12 years ago
leans in and kisses him happily. "Good, cause I'm not planning on changing."
12 years ago
smiles as he kisses him back, flushed slightly at being pinned to the side while Al was still naked.
12 years ago
goes a bit redder and kisses him quickly on the cheek. "You're being silly."
12 years ago
shakes his head lightly and splashed him playfully. "If you say so."
12 years ago
blinks up at him and s
12 years ago
smiles. "If you want to be sleeping in a cold bed."
12 years ago
kisses him back and smiles. "Good, cause I like sleeping with you."
12 years ago
blinks at him and kisses him lightly on the cheek. "Like what?"
12 years ago
smiles now and nods, "that sounds like a lot of fun."
12 years ago
kisses him back lightly and hums, "it does. I just like being with you anyway."
12 years ago
smiled at that before he was kissed, he hugged him closer and kissed him back in response. He was all for a quick make out session.
12 years ago
shifted a bit, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and his legs around his waist. He gasped a bit into the kiss when he felt the edge of
12 years ago
the pool against his back.
Mattie is
12 years ago
kissing him back just as eagerly now as he tightened his hold on him bit, grateful that he still had his own shorts on.
Mattie is
12 years ago
trying to catch his own breath as he held onto him tightly. Al's words made him smile as he nodded a bit, "I love you too Al."
12 years ago
laughs a bit as he kissed him on the cheek. "Cute like what?" He held onto him tighter when he realized they were moving.
12 years ago
blinks a bit at that and smiles, "oh I see." he laughs. "You're cute Al."
12 years ago
smirks and kisses him back lightly. "No, I think you're cute." He ruffled his hair lightly.
12 years ago
nods and smiles as he kisses his cheek again. "Yes, You're adorable."
12 years ago
hums softly and kisses him back lightly. "Let's go inside and cuddle." He kissed him on the cheek.
Mattie is
12 years ago
laughing a bit and smiling as he kissed him back lightly. "You're going to get all pruny too."
12 years ago
rolls his eyes and kisses him again lightly. "Uh huh." He shifted to let go of him, "you're adorable though..." he shrugged a bit.
12 years ago
smiles at him as he got down, "you're saying that because I am your boyfriend." He kissed him on the cheek lightly. "Besides right now, I've
12 years ago
got a great view of you."
12 years ago
blushes at the compliment and moves closer to him, resting his hands on Al's shoulders lightly. "You're hair is perfect Al and I like your
12 years ago
eyes." He kissed him lightly, "sometimes I feel like I'm separate from you and France and England." He shrugged a bit.
12 years ago
shrugs a bit at the question as he hugged him lightly. "I don't know... just... don't seem to fit." He wasn't really sure what he meant.
12 years ago
goes even darker at that and smiles as he hugged him tightly now. He didn't know what to say for a moment as he kissed him on the cheek.
12 years ago
"Al... I love you so much." He closed his eyes and rested his head on his shoulder. "You know I sort of wish England was like this with his
12 years ago
brothers... we'd have less fighting to deal with."
12 years ago
laughs at that, "I don't mean like that. That would give me some nightmares. I mean like... well if they got a long." He looked up at him
12 years ago
and kissed him again.
12 years ago
smiles at that and returns each kiss gladly. "Mm we are pretty close for brothers aren't we?"
12 years ago
tilts his head a bit and kisses him on the lips lightly. "I like the sound of that and you're right we aren't really brothers in the same
12 years ago
sense that humans are."
12 years ago
laughs at that and pulled away from. "Then I'll let you get some shorts on, wouldn't want anyone else admiring you." He leaned in and kissed
12 years ago
him quickly before he headed for the door. "Want me to make you some coffee?"
12 years ago
smiled as he watched him, "I know, I just want to cuddle with you on the couch or something." He turned to head inside, going straight for
12 years ago
the kitchen to put the coffee on.
12 years ago
leaned back into him a bit as he laughed. "I want coffee too." He turned enough to kiss him lightly on the cheek.
12 years ago
grins as he finished making the coffee, letting it brew now. "Nope, cause I think I'm more of an addict than you are."
12 years ago
shivered at the kiss and nodded slightly. "Yes, though if you keep kissing my neck like that I might forget about the coffee."
12 years ago
groans a bit at that as he turned back to the coffee maker and got two mugs out. "You're being a tease today."
12 years ago
looked up at him and gave him his best innocent smile. "Nothing I can think of Al." He liked just spending time with him, he was content
12 years ago
like this.
12 years ago
went over to him easily enough and smiled even more. "So what did you want to do today?"
12 years ago
laughs softly as he wrapped his arms around his waist and kissed him back lightly. "I like the sound of that," he pecked him on the cheek.
12 years ago
"As long as I get to cuddle you."
12 years ago
thought the blush was cute. He was pretty much the opposite, he could deal with these small moments far easier than he could with sex. "You
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods as he reached up and brush his hand through Al's hair. "Yep, almost as good as the night we went out to look at the stars."
12 years ago
returned the smile and kissed him back. "It was, I liked it and... I mean, not just the sex part. That... that was good, but I just liked
12 years ago
being with you."
12 years ago
flushed at that and leaned up to kiss him lightly. "I'm glad, cause I really hoped you saw it as more than the sex."
12 years ago
felt like he could melt when he heard that. He wrapped his arms tighter around him and smiled. "Al... I really do love you. I can't say that
12 years ago
enough." He was getting embarrassed now.
12 years ago
laughs again and nods as he kissed him on the cheek. "We are and yes pjs and a movie and coffee."
12 years ago
enjoyed it as much as Al did, he almost didn't want him to move. When Al finally let go to get down though he back up and went to pour the
12 years ago
12 years ago
smiled over at him as he handed him a cup and took his own. "I hope so."
12 years ago
smiles at that and follows him, holding his hand lightly and stealing sips of his coffee as he walked.
12 years ago
set his own coffee down and took them with a thanks, quickly changing into them.
12 years ago
smiles at that and moves over to kiss him on the lips lightly. "Thanks I like your clothes."
12 years ago
flushes a bit at that as he leaned in and kissed him again. "You can," he smiled faintly and kissed him on the cheek this time.
12 years ago
managed to give him another kiss before he backed away from and grabbed his own coffee. "Mmm... bed is tempting but then I wont want to get
12 years ago
up later."
12 years ago
raises a brow and shakes his head, "how will you go about that hm?"
12 years ago
smiles and leans in to kiss him again. "Ah I couldn't say no to that at all." He nodded. "So what movie are we watching?"
12 years ago
blinks and nods, "sounds good." He kissed him on the cheek before pulling away and going to the bed to curl up on it.
12 years ago
cuddled into him easily, moving till he was comfortable. He wrapped his arms around him and kissed him lightly. "You're comfortable."
12 years ago
laughs a bit at that as he nuzzled his neck and kissed him there lightly. "Mmm... I love you."
12 years ago
flushed and twined his fingers with Al's. "You're fucking adorable." He hummed softly and smiled as he settled in to watch the movie.
12 years ago
smiles at that and actually started paying attention to the movie now as he smiled.
Mattie was
12 years ago
enjoying it quite a bit. He closed his eyes a bit before he went back to watching the movie.
12 years ago
smiled a bit as he watched the movie, it was pretty good.
12 years ago
noticed that and smiled even more as he cuddled into him. It was really cute.
12 years ago
laughed softly and tilted his head to kiss him lightly. "I can tell it was."
12 years ago
smiled and kissed him again, he couldn't help himself when Al looked like that. "I like it, it's cute."
12 years ago
kissed him back contently. "Can we skip the dinner and dancing tonight? Save it for tomorrow?"
12 years ago
shrugs as he closed his eyes. "I like this, this is good."
12 years ago
smiled content as he nestled into him. He was comfortable. "I wonder what Greg would think..."
12 years ago
shrugs as he tilted his head up to his and kissed him. "Nope not at all."
12 years ago
nods as he looked up at him. "It would be."
12 years ago
raises a brow at that, "Oh?" he shifted to wrap his arms around his waist.
12 years ago
went beat red at that and smiled, kissing him on the lips lightly. "I can be, because I also have the best boyfriend."
12 years ago
kissed him back, deeper at the urging as he tightened his hold on him. "Mmm... I think... you're being silly again."
12 years ago
/Anything Mattie had to say in response is cut off by Al's kisses as he returned them full measure. He really liked kissing him.
12 years ago
shifted as close as he could to Al, enjoying the kisses. He would be more than happy with this.
12 years ago
laughed a bit at that as he broke the kiss for air. "So we're not leaving the bed huh?"
12 years ago
flushed again and kissed him lightly. "You're a bum."
12 years ago
laughs a bit at that and kisses him lightly, "mmm that sounds good. I wouldn't mind doing that."
12 years ago
flails a bit at that but manages to kiss him back. "Dinner than," he nipped at his lip playfully.
12 years ago
flushed again as he kissed him back, one of his hands slid into Al's hair as he rolled till he was over top of him.
12 years ago
(They are really cute ^^)
12 years ago
moved to straddle his waist as he continued to kiss him, his fingers tangling in Al's short hair. He really was enjoying this lazy day. He
12 years ago
broke the kiss when he needed air and laughed softly as he looked down at Al. "You are super sexy like this."
12 years ago
flushed a bit as he watched him before he leaned down to steal a quick teasing kiss. "Not as much as I like being on bottom."
12 years ago
flushed at that and leaned down to kiss him again. "I left my assless chaps at home." He laughed a bit as he kissed him on the cheek.
12 years ago
smirked at that as he watched him, "em hm. I've had them for.... years and years."
12 years ago
smiles at that and leans in for another kiss. "they are pretty cool." He laughed a bit, "I wouldn't mind seeing you in them."
Mattie likes
12 years ago
knowing about it. He shifted over him to kiss him on the cheek. "I would like that," he hummed softly "shall we order dinner?"
12 years ago
gets distracted by the kiss and the hand in his hair as he leaned into him. "I sort of..." he kissed him again, "like this."
12 years ago
flushed a bit and kissed him again as he let the hand that wasn't bracing himself on the mattress to comb through his hair.
12 years ago
kissed along his jaw lightly as he smiled and blushed. "I love you too Al."
12 years ago
smiled softly as he kissed down his neck down, keeping it light. He really liked being like this with Al.
12 years ago
smiles and kisses him again lightly over his adams apple. "You're so cute Al."
12 years ago
flushed now as well and kissed down to the collar of his shirt. "You're so cute." He nipped lightly at his skin, "I love you."
12 years ago
glanced up at him and moved to kiss him deeply, running his hands over his sides and up under his shirt. "I love you to Al."
12 years ago
kissed him again at the prompt. He smoothed his fingers over his chest as he smiled a bit against his lips. "I've only ever felt this way
12 years ago
for you Al."
12 years ago
shifted a bit at that as he closed his eyes and hummed softly. He stroked his fingers over his chest some more, taking his time to explore.
12 years ago
squirmed a bit, enjoying the kisses though as he stopped his explorations. "Al... we're never going to get dinner ordered at this rate."
12 years ago
smiled and kissed him soundly on the lips, pulling back and licking his own. "Mm.. I want you." He smirked a bit, "by pasta will do."
12 years ago
12 years ago
grinned a bit at the suggestion as he leaned in and kissed him again, nipping at his lower lip. "You're much to kind." He kissed him one
12 years ago
more time before he rolled off of him and got off the bed.
12 years ago
paused and twisted around to wrap his arms around his waist and kissing him on the lips again. "Food, then something more fun."
12 years ago
walked backwards still holding onto him as he kissed him every now and then. "I love you Al," he hummed softly.
12 years ago
laughed softly at that as he kissed him on the cheek before he let go of him and slipped out of his hold. "Order some pasta."
12 years ago
smiled at that as he watched him, he waited till he was speaking to someone before he slid closer, one hand slid down the back of his pants
12 years ago
as he smirked.
12 years ago
grinned to himself as he wrapped his other arm around his waist, his hand slid further, feeling him.
12 years ago
laughs at that and pulls back with a quick kiss to the side of his neck. He pulled back and held his hands up. "You're gorgeous."
12 years ago
grins at him and moves to kiss him lightly. "Mmm... it was fun." He chuckled a bit.
12 years ago
chuckles and leans nips at his lower lip lightly. "You'll have to be really sexy for that to work."
12 years ago
moaned at being pinned between the wall and Al. He kissed him back, his mouth pliant as he let Al control the kiss. God he could never get
12 years ago
tired of kissing him.
12 years ago
moaned and arched into him as he tasted him, enjoying it completely. He slid against Al's knee before he broke the kiss. "I like when you're
12 years ago
12 years ago
groans a bit as he arched into him a bit more before he pulled back from him. "God Al that sounds good..." he almost whimpered when Al
12 years ago
backed away from him but he bit it off and headed for the table to sit down.
12 years ago
smiled up at him and nodded, "sure drink sounds good. Water."
12 years ago
took it and sipped at it as he smiled up at him. "Bondage huh?"
12 years ago
rolls his eyes, "only when I want to be." He nodded.
12 years ago
laughs and kisses him on the lips quickly. "Takes alcohol."
12 years ago
smiles brightly and kisses him again. "I'm sure you can think of dirtier things than tying me up."
12 years ago
smirks again and reaches over to flick his nose. "I can talk about other things. I got some toys as gag gifts from Francis a while back."
12 years ago
laughed lightly as he sipped his water. "Mmm I would like that."
12 years ago
flushed a bit now and leaned into Al and kissed him on the cheek. "I have a dirty brother."
12 years ago
chuckles and nods as he leans over and kisses him on the lips. "Mm, I really do. It would be so much fun."
12 years ago
smiled, blushing even more now as he watched him. "Like what?" he reached over to take Al's hand lightly, running his fingers over his
12 years ago
12 years ago
leaned over to steal another kiss from him, "well we have plenty of time and we already have a ton of memories."
12 years ago
smiled and hugged him for the moment before he let Al go to get the food. He sat back in his chair and sipped his water.
12 years ago
watched him go as he settled in, finishing his water he got up and went to the bathroom before Al got back.
12 years ago
came in and smiled as he watched Al. "Looks good."
12 years ago
laughs at that and kisses him back quickly. "Thank you."
12 years ago
took a seat and looked over the food, it did look good. "I think this was the perfect day."
12 years ago
waited for him to sit before he took a bite of the food and hummed happily. "This is good."
12 years ago
smiles at him as he ate quietly now, not having much else to say.
12 years ago
glanced over at him occasionally and smiled at when he noticed him watching. It was cute.
12 years ago
smiled softly as he ate, finishing soon enough he got up to clean up so Al didn't have to.
12 years ago
shooed him off when he tried to help. "Go relax," he could clean up and he finished doing it rather quickly.
12 years ago
looked over at him and smiled as he kissed him on the cheek. "It was easy to clean up."
12 years ago
laughs a bit as he kissed him back lightly. "You've been doing that all day." He shifted a bit closer to him ran his hands over his chest to
12 years ago
his pants. "Thank you for the wonderful day Al."
12 years ago
made a small sound at the grab as he pressed up against him. "Mmm... it was fun." He kissed him again lightly, his fingers slipping under
12 years ago
his waist band. "I love you Al."
12 years ago
smiled and nodded the faintest bit as he kissed him on the cheek and then the nose. "You did say you'd help me work off dinner." He pulled
12 years ago
him closer again before he let go. "You also said something else, which I can't quite remember." He was teasing now.
12 years ago
leaned into him a bit as he followed, "I want to try everything with you at some point." He nodded, "and that includes outside of the
12 years ago
bedroom stuff too."
12 years ago
rolls his eyes at that and laughs as he kissed him again, his hands had gone to rest on Al's hips lightly. "I'm not as naughty as you."
12 years ago
fell back with a soft oof and pulled Al into him as he laughed again. "It seems like it would be fun," he slid one of his hands up under
12 years ago
Al's shirt.
12 years ago
flushed slightly as he kissed him again, pulling him in for a deeper kiss than all the other light teasing ones.
12 years ago
let him move his hands, far to focused on the kiss as he moaned softly against his lips. He really didn't want this kiss to end either.
12 years ago
squirms a bit when Al broke the kiss, taking the chance to catch his breath before he was being kissed again. He moaned softly at how good
12 years ago
it was to be kissing Al like this. He really did love it.
12 years ago
pressed forward into the hands on him as he kissed Al again. "Al... I really love kissing you."
12 years ago
flushed darly in emarrasment at that, kissing him back. "You don't have to do that, knowing I have you is plenty."
12 years ago
shivered in pleasure as he closed his eyes and hummed in agreement. "Al... You make me so happy."
12 years ago
made a small approving sound and nodded a bit, "Only if I can do the same for you."
12 years ago
flushed again and laughed softly, he wanted to touch Al then, to run his fingers through his hair. "I'm yours, completely."
12 years ago
smiled up at him and shifted up to kiss him again, "maybe..." he shifted a bit and pecked him on the cheek. "But I want to be all sweet and
12 years ago
cuddly with you after too. I like that the best."
12 years ago
gasped at the sudden change and flushed darkly, "I want you to decide." He nodded, "I like your ideas best." He leaned up a bit to kiss
12 years ago
him again.
12 years ago
silenced a moan of his own with another kiss, arching up into those fingers and his grinding. "Mm... as long as that's what you want."
12 years ago
nods, biting his bottom lip a bit as he flushed again. "Yes, god yes Al I want it." He really did, he was happy to have Al like this and
12 years ago
already more excited from the attention.
12 years ago
didn't think it was possible for Al to take advantage of him. He wouldn't let him do that. He caught his breath at that and moaned, closing
12 years ago
his eyes again.
12 years ago
repressed a shudder at the nip, but couldn't hold back the gasp. "A-Al..."
12 years ago
flushed as he arched off the bed, partly to help him with his pants and partly to press up against him. "I want you too Al."
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