huiminc says
12 years ago
latest #24
气质的 ah tay says
12 years ago
wow long time no see!
huiminc says
12 years ago
yup yup.
huiminc says
12 years ago
how are you??
气质的 ah tay says
12 years ago
quite fine here! at usm already.. u? working fine ma?
huiminc says
12 years ago
wow so early to be in the campus?
气质的 ah tay says
12 years ago
yup! i join wanderers..gotta in camp for one months be4 school starts... :-&
huiminc says
12 years ago
yup life is great here. hehe.
huiminc says
12 years ago
huiminc says
12 years ago
but it's fun to join camp rather than stay at home.
huiminc says
12 years ago
huiminc says
12 years ago
so i shall wait for your next performance? =)
气质的 ah tay says
12 years ago
yaya, at least wont too boring hehe..
气质的 ah tay says
12 years ago
Haha, hope so! looking forward too! after that gonna enjoy life free from activities xD
huiminc says
12 years ago
hehe..i'm sure that you will just reduce activities but not to stop all. =p
huiminc says
12 years ago
life too boring with no activities. Haha.
气质的 ah tay says
12 years ago
haha true true~ gonna back home often.. wat about u? feel bore of work or? enjoy?
huiminc says
12 years ago
so far enjoy in work, can say busy in learning.
huiminc says
12 years ago
overall it's different from campus life. Now it's like live life to the fullest. XD
气质的 ah tay says
12 years ago
wah so good!! i am happy for u :-D
气质的 ah tay says
12 years ago
hard to heard this from least u enjoyed what you're doing..hehe
huiminc says
12 years ago
found the job that suit personality and interest, you wouldn't feel bad at all although it's stress. =D
huiminc says
12 years ago
hope you doing the same too. Go explore while you are still a student.
huiminc says
12 years ago
气质的 ah tay says
12 years ago
yes yes definitely! including explore myself and find a career that i passionate with! ;-) Thanks hui min! Miss u and good luck in your life!
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