dougeller is
15 years ago
watching a tribute to Jerry Lewis on the Oscars. Actually it's about time.
latest #26
dougeller says
15 years ago
He's getting the Humanitarian Award.
JlovesR says
15 years ago
muscular dystrophy fund raiser for decades
dougeller says
15 years ago
homesteadbread: He's been raising money for MDA for over 50 years. It's amazing to think how long the telethon has been on.
JoyfulMom7 says
15 years ago
Jerry Lewis is a good guy! :-)
mrkchusker says
15 years ago
bout time
dougeller says
15 years ago
JoyfulMom7: He's genuine in a way unheard of in Hollywood.
dougeller says
15 years ago
JKoster: Indeed.
mrkchusker says
15 years ago
of course the academy probably sees it as a down year...
dougeller says
15 years ago
Does anyone remember the telethon in the 80s when Sinatra brought Dean Martin out for the reunion?
dougeller says
15 years ago
memoriadei: True; but, it was a moment to remember to see them together again. I was a kid who liked to stay up late and saw it and cried.
dougeller says
15 years ago
homesteadbread: jerry Lewis is a stand-up guy who has done pretty much nothing in his later life but try to raise money for sick kids.
dougeller says
15 years ago
homesteadbread: oh my....
dougeller says
15 years ago
homesteadbread: I am hurt to the quick...
dougeller says
15 years ago
homesteadbread: Oh crap. My bad! (:
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