arksorbet shares
11 years ago
latest #22
11 years ago
the hell, aliens took over your net man
arksorbet says
11 years ago
dude its been doing this junk for over a year now.
arksorbet says
11 years ago
comcast apparently "doesnt know whats wrong".
11 years ago
compare results wtih
11 years ago
and comcast sucks here in L.A. so not surprised its crap there too
arksorbet says
11 years ago
i think comcast sucks everywhere.
arksorbet says
11 years ago
they have a monopoly in every area they operate in. no competition = no reason to take care of your customers.
arksorbet says
11 years ago
yeah, our download and uploads are usually around 1.x and .x as well. Right now, though, apparently its just the ping thats jacked up.
11 years ago
shouldn't it send you to the nearest server? surely houston or little rock would be closer to you guys than atlanta??
11 years ago
does that even matter? i'm clueless on this stuff
arksorbet says
11 years ago
it would send us to little rock probably, but when we run it, we are supposed to use Atlanta according to comcast
arksorbet says
11 years ago
i guess that's where our net is provided from or something
11 years ago
i hate comcast. monopoly for sure - they set up contracts with apartment complexes that block out all other providers
11 years ago
wow... bend over for comcast much? you guys are getting screwed bad
11 years ago
Personally, I'd just move lol. However, my coffee house owning roommate disagrees lol
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