Spingirl says
12 years ago
I've added a bunch of people to my circles on Google+, but I see nothing posted from them. Surely SOMEBODY among those 25 peeps has
latest #7
12 years ago
put up SOMETHING in the last month or so!
fudgeandfrogs says
12 years ago
I left G+ for a while and when I went back it was a little like a ghost town...most of the fibers chatter had ceased
Spingirl says
12 years ago
aaaaand, I think I added you! LOL.
Spingirl says
12 years ago
or maybe not. No, wait. I followed you on Pinterest! (LOL)
fudgeandfrogs says
12 years ago
Well I've been doing some chattering so you should see stuff from me-but some you will recognize from plurks too
Chennpug says
12 years ago
I haven't...it's been ages.
Chennpug says
12 years ago
My family always finds me somehow, which is why I can't post on LJ or Facebook or Twitter very well.
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