is sleeping in his cabin.
latest #16
groggily wakes up, grumbling along the way. He yawns and opens the door slowly. "Aru?"
ahh I heard you like noodles so i came to give some /hands over excess pasta he recieved from Italy
grinned, taking the noodles. "Thanks so much aru! I'll definitely use them aru," he paused. "Were you looking for Italy aru?"
"ahh yes. he ran away from training screaming 'England is here!' -.-"
nodded understandingly. "I believe he's at the West far side of the beach looking for seashells aru. Again. I don't know why though aru..."
sighs "what a troublesome ally.."
laughed. "Better than none at all aru," he commented.
yawned again. "Do you want me to you where he is aru?"
"yes that would be helpful"
went back to his cabin to prepare. Then he steps out and closes the door, beckoning Germany to come. "Is it true that you like him aru?"
he whispered, trying to confirm the rumors that has been flying around as of late,
laughs nearvously "W-what are you t-talking about?"
[admit it~ you know you love me~ >D]
scrunched up his eyebrows and pouts. "Of course you do aru! It's about Italy aru!" he exclaims, skipping a beat in his step. (haha xD)
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