katat0nik says
16 years ago
I got some Mardi Gras beads from Schadenfreude and I didn't even have to flash anyone!! ..but i did anyway! slurl.com/secondlife/Llo...
latest #23
16 years ago
katat0nik says
16 years ago
(LOL) they do rock (thank you Allegory) :-D Anyone can click them and get beads too while you are wearing them!
16 years ago
I have no idea about what custom they relate to-we have our own Mardi Gras in Germany, called "Fastnacht" (i.e. carnival)-we only dress up
16 years ago
and get drunk.
katat0nik says
16 years ago
lol Alyx I am not sure how the beads became part of Mardi Gras either, probably came from a bunch of drunk guys thinking up new ways to see
katat0nik says
16 years ago
boob haha
16 years ago
*flashes Ari* Don't you tell anyone about my 4th nipple!
16 years ago
So those beads do involve flashing...um...*ponders how to introduce them to the German tradition* *proceeds to cackle evilly*
katat0nik says
16 years ago
(LOL) yup! People give/throw beads to lovely ladies who flash their tatas at Mardi Gras, I think you should convince a friend to flash a
katat0nik says
16 years ago
huge crowd, then throw beads around her neck and see who else follows (LOL)
16 years ago
There's this huge parade on Monday...shown on TV, too...where I live- I should go and try that!
katat0nik says
16 years ago
Alyx let us know how it goes! lol
16 years ago
*blushes* Thank you Ari! I am a bit self conscious about it because it's 3 times bigger than my other nipples :-(
ZombieAlyx asks
16 years ago
Do those beads have any special features or can I just use any old beads I might find in my wardrobe...?
katat0nik says
16 years ago
Alyx, any cheap plastic beads will do :-D Out here you can get them at party stores for around $1/necklace, or probably even less :-D
katat0nik says
16 years ago
*whispers* buy the llama Ash!
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