oh old mom left sl
wait how old is your avi ma's?
mine is 3!
I'm looking to adopt a child, who's over 4. My lil one anne wants a sister lol.
ouu! whats your name on sl! i will send you my nc ? :*
Send it to Santiwana Rosales and Mirabelle Savira. i bounce back and forth from kid to adult. Im on kid me Mira LOL
i like to get on and torture Anne on Little me. because i fit mini moma perfect since I am smaller than her on my kid LOL
yay 4= perfecto.... yay est same as me!!!!!!
Okay, you seem perfect, so going to show Anne your NC when she gets on. Infact I already sent her a plurk telling her to wake up LOL
Where is your panel at> MAW, NGI Where?
I think Anne will so love you hehe