Lynn Cullens says
15 years ago
good morning plurkers, on this dreary rainy California day!
latest #13
15 years ago
Good morning. Overcast and dreary down here as well. Might have rain later today.
Keystone says
15 years ago
Good morning Lynn! Its a beautiful day here in Wisconsin with lots of fresh snow to play in, but its a little cold!
15 years ago
mccabe says
15 years ago
morning on this cheerful and rainy day here in AZ
Lynn Cullens says
15 years ago
dang Keystone! Im jealous, but I spent a good part of last night creating extra work for you, so I feel vindicated.
Keystone says
15 years ago
I like work ;-)
Lynn Cullens says
15 years ago
good, cuz the work is really interesting stuff! The accessibility potential for the Metanomics build.
Lynn Cullens
15 years ago
rubs hands together in anticipation and rolls up sleeves.
Bevan says
15 years ago
15 years ago
good morning!
Dazz says
15 years ago
Oh Hai (bye)
Sere says
15 years ago
morning! Bright and sunny on the right coast!
WendyOfNeverland says
15 years ago
G'morning! But isn't it a wonderful dreary day! :-)
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