12 years ago
walked across the beach, feeling the sands tickling his toes. He was looking for the nations; the beach was quiet, too quiet for liking.
latest #7
12 years ago
jumped across some rocks delicately, walking towards what seems to be England and France's cabin. He wanted to check if they were there.
12 years ago
paused at the wooden doors, and patted his clothes. He coughed, then knocked on the door.
12 years ago
hesitantly opens the door. "Oh, bonjour China". He motions for China to come inside.
12 years ago
nodded and came inside, relieved. "Nihao," he said awkwardly. "I've been wondering why hardly anybody came outside during the past days aru,
12 years ago
it's very disarming aru." he frowned.
12 years ago
laughs. "I have been outside. However, I've been going to my own secret place. Perhaps that is why you haven't seen me."
12 years ago
raised an eyebrow but didn't question even further. "If that's so... alright, but I still have no idea where my roommate went..."
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