accidentally walked into a host club, oh boy.
(Chrome you little whore. D< Jk xD)
sees Chrome. Now that he thinks about it...She'd pull off being a boy for their host club...
very scared and confused. Why are all these guys coming on to her???
thinks with her short hair and non-existent boobs she could pass as a boy.
(I know, I'm so mean. <3 But you love me anyways haha)
[don't be certain of that]
if she would like to make some side money being a host? The other Arcobaleno are doing it too.
exactly...Verde smirks and pushes up his glasses.
doesn't care. You will look like one with a little bit of work!
just try to walk away now....
grabs her by the collar of her shirt and drags her to the host club.
starts trying to fight against him. "L-Let go!" If you had a hostess, you'd be able to cater to a larger clientele~
you're not cute enough to attract wealthy men. Also you're too flat chested.
still dragging her inside whether she tries to fight or not.
begs to differ. Only Byakuran and Daemon like her.
doesn't know many other men. You could at least give it a try....
growls. "Fine...If you manage to get 10 customers within 3 hours I won't fix you into a boy."
glad that she doesn't have to be a boy....
expects you to meet the requirements.
doesn't know how to hostess though...
thinks 12 years ago
you better learn before your 3 hours are up.
glad she doesn't have to wear any little....outfits at least.
would not put her in a short skirt. He wants to get funding money but not whoring out the Vongola's mist guardian.
thought he'd dress her up in some cute frilly dress, that's all.
fine. He may as well borrow one of Lal's outfits for Chrome to use. IF Lal even wears anything girly...