Grumba has
11 years ago
been beavering away on my dissertation- very boring for everyone. But did go to an art opening last night! :-)
latest #17
11 years ago
(wave) Hi
bronsont thinks
11 years ago
you should publish your dissertation here on Plurk in 140 character bits (LOL)
11 years ago
and (wave) good morning Grumba
KDFrawg 🐸
11 years ago
Good idea, bronsont!
KDFrawg 🐸
11 years ago
How was the art, Ms. Grumba?
Lemongrass says
11 years ago
11 years ago
(wave) art opening sounds like fun!
Griffy.Lapin wants
11 years ago
to know more about the dissertation...
11 years ago
and hiya!
11 years ago
ॐ andavane wonders
11 years ago
who else was beavering away.
tillmanartist says
11 years ago
Grumba was
11 years ago
beavering away so much, I didn't see all your lovely responses for ages. First the Art exhibition by Spotrick's niece
11 years ago
Kelly Jade:
Grumba says
11 years ago
the dissertation is boring- about error rates when nurses administer anti-coagulant tablets, compared to prescriptions written
ॐ andavane
11 years ago
Well, Beavers are said to be able to assist in managing waterways.
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