Trane says
12 years ago
Guys, Zi and I have decided to start a THING.
latest #11
Trane says
12 years ago
You guys may (not) have noticed before, but I call Zi "Marx." She calls me "Colts." (Feel free to use these names)
Trane says
12 years ago
To properly establish this THING, we'd like to ask you to refer to our friends accordingly:
Trane says
12 years ago
Lakan - Delags
Datu - Alacs
Molo - Marts
Zeno - Zeno (Marx was taken)
Trane says
12 years ago
So there. This has been an announcement. Hope you guys are all okay!
okay. I'll try. Colts.
but I'm too used to Choochoo :-(
Trane says
12 years ago
Sup Depans. =D I'll answer to that too! We just want to get this thing rolling, you know? :-D
Trane says
12 years ago
...okay, update. Dat will "never respond to Alacs okay maybe to Zi but not to you [me]"
Trane says
12 years ago
Also is tarantando or a word that sounds like that a good or a bad word?
12 years ago
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