modernburrow says
12 years ago
latest #10
modernburrow says
12 years ago
never plan for the future, become complacent. All the branding also cannot save us
☠阿恩幺二零九 says
12 years ago
its a good article nonetheless
modernburrow says
12 years ago
i think lots of people feel like we are running 100m. fail to realise this is a marathon.
modernburrow says
12 years ago
being in the lead pack after 10km is not guarantee of a top 10 finish
☠阿恩幺二零九 says
12 years ago
that's the point, there IS no finish line
modernburrow says
12 years ago
got lah, when someone else push you and you peng by the roadside and end up as DNF.
妈妈桑 says
12 years ago
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