[Welcome Daughter/Son in law.]
(what have you been telling these people?!)
(I feel I made a mistake on my username...Dx)
(Pffft.. that you're their mother.)
(oh wait...no it's all good)
(Mammy!!!! /huggles/ My cute little sister!!!)
(Yes kids, this is your mother. ;v;... She abuses me but loves you.)
(//huggles Stevey-chan for reassurance)
(My adorable child, father loves you! /huggles Di/)
(//you sound like a certain hostclub member I know now xD)
(Pffft... I've been called Kyouya and Tamaki's love child before xD )
(you're exactly like them- but have more if Tamaki's melodramatic and eccentric side xD)
(Kukukukuku /pushes glasses up/)
(okay, that's like Prussia now when she's scary... but okay
(why are we commenting in parentheses?)
(Cause this is a public plurk, >.< We need to know that we're not ic right now)
(oh...l then aren't we spamming?)
(.....Details sadden me.. Dx)
[spam is bad. Stop the spam.]
(just out of curiosity, who here is from the Reborn plurk? (besides Spain and Russia?)
(N Italy, Germany, Prussia, Iceland and Norway!)
(i'm kikyo from the reborn plurk~)
(once again, is thinking about Kikyo from Inyuasha //shot)
[/will smack you all with your own spamming.]
(holy sh- //starts running)
(it was a simple question, I'm done. I promise I'll be the responsible one from now on ^^)
(Kukukukukuku /is a horrible admin/)
(Besides, it's not like it's a bad thing to spam these types of welcoming plurks... -.- )
(I'm not even sure if we should welcome in our RP form or not...)
bows to him. "Arigatou, China-san."
(psh, we do it all the time on the other one...)
(Wifey's being mean, too! I try being a good admin, I'm just not one...)
's sad Japan wouldn't regard him as a brother anymore...
(/smacks self/ I need to re-watch this series. If I get anything wrong, forgive me)
[Stevey...if an actually RP is happening here then delete all the spam on it, so everything looks clean. /disciplining father mode activate]
(Okay, and I'm posting a new spam plurk, as well, seeing as I'm sure the new members can't see the old one.)
(it's just a welcome, I messed up anyway. Let us continue in another one)
(are you talking to me...? o.O)
