William is
12 years ago
currently taking advantage of the current lack of junk in the atmosphere and bar hopping. He's already a bit cheerful by the third pub_
latest #169
12 years ago
_clapping stanger's shoulders and giving high fives to others as he makes his way to the bar.
England is
12 years ago
sitting at the bar sipping a pint as he rolled his latest catch between his fingers. He wasn't even really looking at it right now.
12 years ago
lands, yes land is an appropriate word when he's in his state, in the seat by Arthur. He quickly orders a beer, glancing at the object in_
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the older man's hands. 'What's that mate?'
12 years ago
blinks at the question and looks over at the other... rather drunk man. He quickly closed his hand around the shinning gem like object and
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pocketed it. "Nothin' at all," he took a long drink of his beer.
12 years ago
hums, leaning closer to get a better look at the older man. 'It's kind of a bit girly for ya, but you'd maybe suit it if you plurked your_
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*plucked your eyebrows.'
12 years ago
almost coughed up his next swallow of drink at that. "Oh bugger off," he glared a bit at him. He was used to people commenting on it, but
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really he just ignored them most of the time.
12 years ago
laughs, wiggling his own eyebrows at the other. 'So what's your name mate?' He's not about to bugger off, especially at that reaction.
12 years ago
eyed him a bit wearily at that as he shifted in his seat. He was sure this guy was just some harmless fool. "Who's asking?"
12 years ago
smiles widely, 'William is asking.' He holds out a hand for a shake. Really, he's only a Rubbish Hauler.
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glanced at the hand before taking it. "Arthur." He wasn't really used to people taking much notice of him.
12 years ago
wouldn't know why. Maybe he's just too drunk to sense the standoff-ish aura Arthur emits. 'Arthur, huh?' he asks, letting it roll over_
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his tongue. 'Suits ya, more than that jewellery you're rather smitten with.'
12 years ago
frowns a bit, "it's not mine." He waved a dismissive hand at him before he went back to sipping at his drink. He didn't want to admit that
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he was maybe mildly interested in talking to this man.
12 years ago
puts his chin in his hand, elbow propped on the bar. 'Oh, is it for a Jess?' he asks, attention somewhat drifting when his drink arrives.
12 years ago
rolls his eyes at that and shakes his head as he downed more of his drink before he ordered a second one. "No it's not."
12 years ago
hums, grinning. 'I don't think a guy would appreciate that mate...' He takes a swig of his bottle.
12 years ago
gaped a bit at that and looked over at him. "You git, I stole it." He finished off his drink and glanced around, still waiting on the person
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who'd hired him.
12 years ago
chokes on his drink, 'W-what?'
12 years ago
grinned at that response as he pushed his glass away and moved to get up. "I don't even know what it is, I was just hired to get it, so I
12 years ago
12 years ago
watches the other, a little wide eyed. '... well, whatever gives ya kicks I guess, eh?'
12 years ago
shook his head as he put some money down for his drink and enough for William's as well. "No, whatever pays."
12 years ago
blinks at the amount, giving the other a bright grin. 'Well ya can't argue with that,' he concedes, 'Thanks mate.'
12 years ago
nods a bit as he watched him for a moment. "You're welcome... what do you do anyway William?"
12 years ago
waves a hand off, 'Nothing all that interesting. I deal with space junk that is threatening satellites and the like, why?'
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shrugged and tucked his hands in his pockets. "Just curious, don't mention this anyone yeah?"
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mimes zipping up his mouth, 'Lips are sealed mate.' He had bought his drink after all.
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nods and smiles at that, "right... enjoy your night then."
William is
12 years ago
almost tempted to ask what the rush was but... He leaves it at a 'Thanks. Might see ya around.' He finishes his beer, pushing himself up._
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He's already planning out the route to the next bar.
12 years ago
just wasn't sure hanging around him was a good idea. He nodded a bit as he headed for the door, on his way out though he paused to glance
12 years ago
William is
12 years ago
pushing his way through the crowd when Arthur looks back, giving the man a small wave. 'Waiting for me?' he asks, once he's tumbled out of_
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the crowd, a smirk on his lips.
12 years ago
blinks at that and quickly shakes his head, turning away a bit. "No, not waiting for you..." he was just.. hell he didn't know what he was
12 years ago
12 years ago
winks, pushing the door open. 'That's a shame.' He takes a deep breath when he's outside, glad it's a cold night.
12 years ago
slips outside after him and looks confused at that response. "Why is that a shame?"
12 years ago
raises a brow, before laughing it off with a shrug. 'Nothing, nothing at all mate.' He looks t his sheet of paper, which
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*his list of pubs. 'Where's 'The Loft?'
12 years ago
frowns a bit at that and looks over at his list. "You have a list?" He reached over and snatched it from him. "You don't need a list."
12 years ago
gapes, 'The locals in the first pub helped me make that!' He tries to snatch it back.
12 years ago
holds it away from him and grins a bit, "I'm sure they did... why are you bar hoping anyway?"
12 years ago
holds onto Arthur's shoulder, using his height to his advantage as he tries to get it back. 'I'm still quite new to the place, trying to_
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find one I like.'
12 years ago
folded it and clutched it behind his back with that. "Yeah, none of those are good places."
12 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'Well if you're gonna take my list, you have to take responsibility and show me the good places.'
12 years ago
stares at him for a moment and nodded. "Fine..." he could do that... he thinks.
12 years ago
looks pleased, 'Alright then. Where to Cap?'
12 years ago
frowned a bit, well shit... what had he gotten himself into? "Right... this way."
12 years ago
follows along, looking rather chuffed with himself. Especially so when Arthur looked like a deer caught in headlights. 'What kind of bar is_
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this one then?'
12 years ago
glanced over at him at the question and grinned. "A good one," he started walking with that, hands in his pockets.
12 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'I'll be the judge of that mate.' He rests his hands behind his head, elbows high as he follows the other.
12 years ago
just continued to grin with that. "Hmm... I'm not a low class thief, mate. I know where is good to get a pint."
12 years ago
holds his hands up in defence, 'I didn't say anything about you being a petty thief mate.' He gives the other a grin, 'I'm just hoping the_
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place you're leading me to isn''t as uptight as you.'
12 years ago
looked over at him with a deep frown, "I'm only uptight because of what I do. Live in my world and you'd be the same." He doubted his own
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words though, the man didn't seem like it was possible at all and those kinds of people didn't survive long in his field of work.
12 years ago
gets the excitement of stealing, especially when the stakes are high but... he might leave that for cinematic thrills. 'I'll settle for_
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living vicariously through you Artie,' he replies, all smiles.
12 years ago
rolls his eyes at that and keeps walking, heading for quieter streets that seem less traveled and maybe a little dingy. "Don't call me
12 years ago
12 years ago
hums, 'How about Art then? Or Art-oo. Or I could call ya Prince Arthur.' He's definitely having too much fun.
12 years ago
frowns a bit as he turned down another street. "You can stick with Arthur." He finally stopped in front of a small bar, it looked a little
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dingy and not the typical place anyone would walk into because it seemed inviting. He pulled the door open and held it for him.
12 years ago
thanks him with a wink as he walks through, 'Prince Artie it is then.' He finds them a booth, sitting himself down rather quickly.
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followed him in and sat down across from him, he liked this place. Inside it felt homey and it was full of regulars. The music was good and
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the food even better. The pool games were even good.
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isn't complaining yet, looking around the pub with a small smile. He wouldn't have guessed from the outside what the pub would have been_
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like. 'You look happier your highness.'
12 years ago
looked over at him and glared a bit as he waved to the bartender. "The usual, for him as well."
12 years ago
blinks, 'What's 'The usual?'
12 years ago
looks over at him and shrugs, "you'll find out when it gets here."
12 years ago
raises an eyebrow, 'Can't just tell me now?'
12 years ago
shakes his head as he shrugged out of his coat and pulled the gem out of his pocket. He put it on the table and fished a small bag out of
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the other one.
12 years ago
reaches forward to pick it up, holding it up against the light. 'Pretty cut... must of been a hard job, huh?'
12 years ago
looked up at him and reached out to take it back from him. "Easy job."
12 years ago
holds it up above his head, revenge for the list earlier. 'Let's hear about it then.'
12 years ago
stares at him, "not funny. Give that back now."
12 years ago
smirks, 'Make me.'
12 years ago
stared at him, "I can't tell you about it. Not give it back or I will make you."
12 years ago
's eyes glint with an unspoken challenge. 'I said you should make me, didn't I?'
12 years ago
folded his arms over his chest at that before he got up and moved over to his side of the booth, trapping him in the seat. "Give it to me or
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you can pay what my client is paying for it."
12 years ago
makes room for him on the bench, obviously not that bothered. 'But then you'll have to deal with a saddle sore client Arthur...' He shrugs,
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'Just tell me how you did it and I'll give it back.'
12 years ago
continued to glare now as he watched him carefully. "Why would you want to know that?"
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shrugs. 'I like bedtime stories?' he replies with a cheeky grin. He's really very harmless, just a bit of an annoying git.
12 years ago
sighed rolling his eyes and nodded. "Not much to tell, the old woman kept it in her safe and she's on vacation. I just went in and took it."
12 years ago
raises an eyebrow. He had expected it to be a lot more exciting than that. He hands the gem back, looking a little disappointed. 'You make_
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it a habit to steal from little old ladies often?'
12 years ago
takes it and tucks it away into the small bag he'd pulled out. "Only when I'm hired to do it, this one wasn't a very exciting job. If you
12 years ago
want excitement in a story you should ask about the other night." He grinned at the thought. "That was fun."
12 years ago
smiles, 'Alright then. But, if it turns out to be boring you have to perform a penalty.
12 years ago
12 years ago
stares at him, "like what?"
William thinks
12 years ago
about that. 'A cheeky pash,' he decides, grin playful. He doubted the other would agree to it.
12 years ago
(I feel silly, but I have to ask. Cheeky pash isn't referring to a smoothie here is it?)
12 years ago
((... No, it's a snog? Or well, I guess French kissing? ))
12 years ago
((That's a smoothie name? o3o ))
12 years ago
(Okay gottcha... Apparently, it's a frozen yogurt. Shrugs I've learned something new today.)
12 years ago
stares at him with that, he wasn't sure if he'd heard him right, but really there was no mistaking that. Well... his story wouldn't be
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boring, so what did he have to lose? Nothing. "Fine."
12 years ago
settles himself in to be bored. 'What do you want if it's exciting?' He asks, always one to turn simple things into bets, to make life more_
12 years ago
12 years ago
blinked at that, "you to buy the drinks."
12 years ago
smiles charmingly, although it comes out more boyishly than anything, 'I can do that, I suppose.' He shifts in his seat, 'So, how did it_
12 years ago
12 years ago
leaned back a bit in the booth. "I met with the target, a young man. Good looking, we chatted, had drinks and I got him to invite me home.
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He couldn't keep his hands off me, when we got inside he made us more drinks." He waved a hand dismissively. "By that point though he was
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more than drunk enough. But that's not the exciting part. I do all my research in advance, my client wanted me to get a rare coin this guy
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had. I don't know the reason, but she was paying well. Once I had the coin out of the safe though and this was after I'd made sure the guy
England was
12 years ago
out of it, I had to get out of there. Well I guess I missed something, cause fuck if I knew he'd had a bodyguard. I was climbing out a three
12 years ago
story window when the guy... thing really, spotted me. He was outside keeping an eye out apparently. So as soon as I touched the ground he
England was
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after me and I bolted for the nearest place. Some high end hotel or something. By that point I had put some distance between myself and him
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and I wound up on the fourth floor, ducked into the first room I could. Turned out to be some popular consort or something, told him a
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stupid lie about an ex-wife chasing me and he tried to stop me from leaving. Either way, the night ended with me jumping out his balcony."
12 years ago
could have done with more explosions, and details on how he made the guy pass out. He blinks a couple of times when it's over, 'Can't say_
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you've wowed me... Wasn't a fantastic feat of the mind nor a blockbuster thriller...' He grins, 'Hope you have mints.'
12 years ago
rolled his eyes at that, "I'm not a bloody story teller and I don't have mints." Just then the bartender slid two pints of the what the
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house had on tap onto the table along with a plate of sweet potatoe fries.
12 years ago
makes a pleased sound at the fries, reaching for one of them first. 'You should learn, or else you'll have to snog dashing young lads with_
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an exciting life ahead of them.'
12 years ago
rolled his eyes at that, "you're the only one that's bet a snog." He grabbed a few fries from the plate himself and nibbled on them.
12 years ago
grins, 'So you're saying I'm dashing, huh?' He picks up his pint, taking a swig. It wasn't half bad... He looks over his shoulder to see_
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what's on tap.
12 years ago
picks up his own and takes a long sip from it. "I didn't say that." He ate another fry, he wasn't even sure what beer it was they had on tap
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any more.
12 years ago
hums, 'You didn't deny it though.' It looked like they had some Persophone brewed beer on tap...
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shrugs as he took another sip. "Why do you want to snog me so badly?" he glanced over at him with that.
12 years ago
shrugs, 'You're not bad looking and I haven't had a chance at anything since arriving here.' He was being a typical bloke, essentially.
12 years ago
almost choked on a fry at that and shifted a bit in his seat. "Well that makes sense." He took a long sip of his drink, "where are you
12 years ago
12 years ago
holds back a laugh, barely, at the reaction. 'I stay in a ship mate,' he replies.
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noticed that. He took another sip of his drink. "You should try staying on solid land. Mate."
12 years ago
shakes his head, 'Can't, it's an occupational hazard.'
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raised his brow at that and shrugs before sipping his drink again and finally finishing it off. "That's to bad."
12 years ago
hums, 'You could say that. But I don't like the idea of being tied down to one space...' He shrugs, finishing his own drink shortly after+
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods in understand, he was always moving around himself. He rarely lived somewhere for long. Even Persephone wasn't permanent. "So you're in
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the business of trash and I'm in the business of jewels and money. I don't think even a one night stand would work."
12 years ago
snorts at that, 'Alright. I know when to take the hint.' He grabs some cash, dumping it on the table as he gets up. 'I don't think I'd want
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someone knocking down my door looking for ya anyway, Artie.'
12 years ago
watches him for a moment before he reached out and grabbed the front of shirt, pulling him down. "That didn't mean you should leave
12 years ago
12 years ago
braces himself against the table, eyebrows furrowing for the first time of the night. 'What should I do then?'
12 years ago
sighed a bit at that, "sit down. I said it wouldn't work... doesn't mean I wouldn't try it. Hell I wouldn't have brought you here if I
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wasn't interested in you. I would have dropped you at the last bar and taken your wallet."
12 years ago
bites his tongue, fairly sure that the other would take offence to being called a 'fickle sheila.' He runs a hand through his hair, 'Nice_
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to know my personal belongings are safe...' he finally replies, cracking a smile. 'But to be safer, why don't we head to your place?'
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would have taken offense to that. He let go of his shirt front finally and laughed. "You want to come to place?" he wasn't to surprised by
12 years ago
12 years ago
nods, 'Well only one of us is a thief, Arthur.'
12 years ago
sighs at that, "I have my morals." He points out but nods and gets up, letting him free of the bench. "I'm paying you back for that by the
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way." He pointed to the money he'd thrown down before he reached out and grabbed his wrist pulling him along now.
12 years ago
raises an eyebrow, something amused in his expression as he steps closer and wraps an arm around the shorter male's waist. 'Oh? How are you_
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going to do that, Art-oo?' he asks, voice low and husky in his ear.
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wasn't going to flush at that as he lead him from the bar. "How would you like me to do it? Cause I can think of several ways."
12 years ago
burrows his nose into Arthur's hair, inhaling for a moment before he replies. 'Use your imagination,' in a low voice. 'How far?'
12 years ago
slid his own arm around his waist in return and smiled. "I'd like to hear your ideas... I'm not good at the creative stuff remember? and not
12 years ago
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