[RP Thoughts] In which there are thoughts
latest #31
So once I get Val in, it's Pippa and I'm good with those five, unless Anya's voice keeps giving me trouble
Then I'm at one game at IJ and two at LJ, but they are at a pace I can keep up without issues. So
So I should try to branch out in DW again
I'm just sort of surprised I have no idea of who else I want to play o.o
(besides a couple of troublemakers from Dangan Ronpa but I want to see that LP through before anything)
Fate has slowly turned into that sort of canon I love watching but I can no longer RP from, I think
Animanga in general is like, falling apart in RP terms -_-
for you or for all the people you play with
oh I was confused by in general lol
I should have added a "for me" at the end
Where? I totally got the pics, started making icons...and dropped dead
I also play(ed) Yakumo. Like whoa long time ago
But yeah I think I should pick up Chen again
Okay gotta check the place again ugh >.<
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