slings his arm around China's shoulders. "So grandpa China, vot are you painting? I'm curious. Vill you be painting ze awesome me?"
cupped his chin in thought. "A woman long, long ago aru," he said.
frowned and shook the arm off. "I'm not a grandpa, aru! Only brothers and sisters! And no way will I ever paint you aru, your ego is just-
going to grow even more aru. And that would be something of a pain in the but aru."
looks at the painting "Wow China~ i really like this painting too~"
patted Italy's head. "Really? Would you like this one then, aru?" He could paint some more later.
smiles at China innocently. "Yes~ i really really do~"
suddenly got the image of Italy being something other than innocent. He shuddered. "T-This might take a couple of hours to finish aru,"
nods. "Sure I can~ i can be very patient~"
"Okay aru," he looked closely at the painting; it was more than halfway done. "Do you want to go back to your house to wait aru?"
doesn't mind and ignores China's rant. Annoying old people can be really amusing. "Kesesesese~!"
glared at him. "Shame on you aru!"
replies with a mischievous smirk.
sighed; why always let this annoying hag get on his nerves?
? A hag? (pfft) Prussia is still smirking triumphantly
trying to keep a straight face.
shakes his head. "I'll stay here China~ I can just watch~"
"Okay aru," he dipped his brushed in the water once more, now starting to paint her body.
looks around for a chair. finding one, he pulls it and sits by China. making sure to give China enough space as he watching him paint.
After one and a half hours later of hard work, China finally dropped the brush to the can of water and smiled. He then showed it to Italy.
's smile widens at the painting. "Wow China~ that's amazing!~". he really likes it.
blushed. "Really aru?" Usually people don't say anything about it at all. And when was the last time someone complimented him anyway?
nods. he turns to China with sparkling eyes. "Of course~~ It's really really good~ i love it~"
put the painting in a frame and handed it to NItaly. "Here, aru," he smiled. Maybe today's the day he would gain a new friend.
gasps in surprise. taking the painting in his hands. "China... You're giving it to me?". he didn't expect this at all.
chuckled. "Yeah, I said so earlier, didn't I aru?"
had forgotten!! he gently puts the painting down and hug China "Thank you China~"
smiled, feeling tired. It must have been from painting the painting. "No problem aru,"
looks up at China. "You must be tired~ why don't you take a nap~"
nodded tiredly. "Alright aru," he took NItaly outside and after gave him a goodbye, went to sleep in his bed, feeling a bit hot.
said his goodbye, he went to happily take his painting home to hang it.