12 years ago
Since I have free time again, I'm considering a game. Someone suggested Luceti & I've passively thought about re-apping to Mayfield.
latest #33
12 years ago
I enjoyed my time in Mayfield and loved the CR I got but it just felt... Like there wasn't much in regards to overarching plot.
12 years ago
Which I'm a huge fan of over arching plot, so that was really hard for me.
12 years ago
Though maybe I just wasn't around long enough to really see it at the same time.
12 years ago
I know Andi was suggesting I take a peek at resetvoid as well. Which does look interesting, tbh.
Mayfield is in its endgame phase
so if you wanna get back on, now's the time
12 years ago
gonsai: endgame phase?
Meaning the plot, and thus the game, are going to come to a close over the next several months
12 years ago
Ahh, okay.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
Yup. It'll all end in January.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
Though no one will fault you if you choose Luceti instead. Not like I play Princess Celestia over there or anything... >.>
12 years ago
laughs I haven't app'd at Luceti, it was just recently suggested to me from another character/player via a post I made on dear_mun.
12 years ago
So I'm checking out the info now and debating if I want to take a crack at it. It does look interesting.
12 years ago
rikimaruhitori: What are your thoughts on Luceti? Over all a good game?
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
It's fun. Pretty simple. Not gonna lie; it's a pretty big game, though.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
Journal based, but there's fun people there and it's really not so bad.
12 years ago
Mods nice?
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
I'd say so. I haven't spoken with them, but I haven't heard complaints.
12 years ago
nod That's fair. Anything particular stand out about the game in your opinion?
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
Every character gets wings.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
Wings that suck.
12 years ago
laughs Oh? How come the suckage?
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
Because they're little and you can't really fly with them.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
At best, you'll be able to hover/glide after some practice.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
And if you'll die if they get removed.
12 years ago
Oh. Wow. That does suck.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
Also, your character's power gets cut in half.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
They'll still have them, but everyone's gets cut.
12 years ago
nod That's pretty standard for most games though it seems. I've heard it's very slice-of-life oriented, that true?
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
From what I've seen, somewhat. There's plenty of action when they do events, though.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
Last one had a space battle and the base was on the moon.
Zilla Fieri says
12 years ago
This's just pure insanity. Good insanity XD
12 years ago
Oh, that sounds nifty.
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