12 years ago
latest #19
12 years ago
I dont miss you at all, I don't miss your long hair or your blue eyes, I don't miss hearing about what you did at night during work
12 years ago
I don't miss watching you play your silly little computer games with your friends over a hamachi network
12 years ago
I don't miss having to deal with all of your friends coming around all the time to hang out at the house, or how you wouldn't do anything
12 years ago
I don't miss the excessive drinking that you took up when you got that supposedly great new job of yours, or the friends you made when you
12 years ago
joined that stupid little dress up, camping club of yours. I don't miss having to hear the loud drunks that you call your friends
12 years ago
I don't miss tagging along somewhere because you invited me and then being ignored all the time, then having you ask me whats wrong and
12 years ago
getting angry when I tell you exactly whats on my mind.
12 years ago
I don't miss your stupid tv shows, or your stupid chili, and I don't miss your stupid face, or your supposed sense of humor which never
12 years ago
matched mine in the first place.
12 years ago
I don't miss your mood swings or your random moments when you were okay, and everything seemed good. I dont miss walking to the store with
12 years ago
you, or going somewhere with you, and I don't miss heard about all those stupid events that you're going to go to even if I say that they
12 years ago
cost too much and you just tell me that they don't. That theyre cheap and yet the bills show that theyre twice, sometimes three times as
12 years ago
much as you said they were going to be!
12 years ago
In fact I hate you
12 years ago
I hate whatever I thought we had
12 years ago
and I hate whatever it was I thought I felt when I first got into it with you. I hate that I wasted two years of my life with you only to
12 years ago
think that because of you I'm broken, and not worth it, and that all I can ever do is hate you
12 years ago
And I hate that it's been almost a month and you make me feel this way, because I stuck it out as long as I could, I tried as hard as I
12 years ago
could, and I feel like I failed, when everyone says it wasn't really my fault
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