Beckham was
12 years ago
just busted at work drumming with my fine point sharpie pen as this played in my ear buds And I Will Kiss - Underworld (Industrial Revolution Olympics Opening Ceremony London 2012)And I Will Kiss - Underworld (Industrial Revolution ... Damn you Olympics!
latest #6
Leyton says
12 years ago
12 years ago
It was a spectacular part of the show! The forged rings were an inspired idea and the percussion group was amazing.
Canadian Tane
12 years ago
THANK YOU! I've been trying to find that music for two days now!
12 years ago
worth getting busted for, Becks. and what Tane said.!
12 years ago
Yes, thank you for posting the link!
Canadian Tane
12 years ago
OOohhh, it is on iTunes! (yay)
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