To Rain: I do... pluck them? Can't you tell?
latest #12
couldn't tell at all! "You do?"
Spain should see the size of the tweezers in England's bathroom.
"Caterpilars for brows...Kesesese~! I find it hard to believe"
smiles, "Ah... it doesn't seem to be working, maybe you should do it a little more often then..."
"Of course I do!" He pulls out a kit with an assortment of tweezers with different sizes. "Look! And if you still don't believe me, you_
_can have a look in the dustbin in my bathroom. I don't believe I have cleared out the hairs from this morning."
frowns at Spain. "I don't have the time to. And besides, it is working so it's fine."
"That's disgusting!!! Must suck to have HIGH MAINTENANCE BROWS, BROWFACE!! Kesesese~!"
glares at Prussia. "And it must have been quite the effort for you to keep a high maintenance ego."
"'s impossible for someone like you to comprehend my awesomeness"
"There is nothing for me to comprehend," he said, indirectly making a jibe at Prussia.
ignores him and shrugs. "Suit yourself fake gentleman brows."
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