Please proceed to create your accounts. Don't forget to add the Admin and the other members into your friend list.
canada submitted her reservation yet?
I'm looking at the list right now, she hasn't yet, but I'm sure she will later.
saw she put an audition :S
Haha yeah. She did the audition but not a reservation.
But, like I said, I'm sure she will later. :>
Let's hope so because after, I believe, two days? Its no longer valid.
Yeah, three actually, and this is the first day...
Okay so then she has two days...does she know that?
mmm. well if she makes an account fast enough tht we can tell her...
I already emailed her. >.<
As long as you did that, you'll be fine.
Basically. Stevey did her job.
Sorry guys, this is Rain..
Stevey went to go get icecream.
it's raining it's pouring I wanna get a hug from you~
Rain: //hugs// Just for father. K, bye now.
Kk, I am back, with icecream and hyper.
It's okay. I still love Daughter.
How many daughters can I fit in my rather loving heart?
Rain: Uhm... you have four so... Four daughters?
Only four? And I have so much room for more~ my cute daughters fit in my heart like a beautiful puzzle~
Rain: What about your only son?
(you guys know this isnt private...)
(You know we don't have any watchers yet. xD)
.....I have no son. He doesn't even love me.
[Whoops. Sorry, Admin of doom.]
(Pfft.... yeah, true.... This is still Rain, by the way... I'm bored and I like messing with people, so I'm gonna submit a question for one-
of you guys to answer. >:3 )
Canada did make her reservation...I checked
Btw I changed my email so it's something else and not the one I put up for the sign up
that's fine...just edit your comment
[Also...I can't edit my post unless I'm admin or have the password myself.]
(I know, but... what do you need to edit about it? >.< )
(Ahahahaha... I'll try to edit it for you. >.< the email from the khr rp, right?)
[I can't use the same one as that one for some reason. I have another one.]
(Hmmm, well... The email thing was basically just so we could get a hold of you.. so.. other than that we don't need it, cause.. facebook.)
Wow, i seriously am useless aren't? Um, so how do I make a reservation?
haha dont wry. you just sign up that's all
so, um, I just put my name and my RP character in the comments and thats it?
yuppers. that's all you have to do.
Alrighty, will do
haha coolz
done! Anything else I must do?
nope~ that's pretty much it
Yea, you'll have to excuse me. My first time RPing, and all
We're relatively lenient.
this isn't private people...welcome btw Canadia~!
Heh, thanks