smirks. At least we're awesomely free from his horrible cooking Kesesesese~!
's cooking is not horrible! People just do not know how to appreciate fine English home-made food.
doesn't care, as long as he doesn't have to eat it.
doesn't care whether or not he eats it.
(( Sorry if England is a little too mean xP ))
(Haha, he seems ic to me. xD)
ignores the British man's protest. "I don't care either. As long as I don't taste your horrible suckish cooking"
's expression deadpanned as he gave a shrug of nonchalance. "Very well. Don't come begging me for food when you get hungry."
"I can cook AWESOMELY UNLIKE YOU!!! Kesesese~!
looks interested now. "Really?" He then smirked. "You know words alone aren't enough to make it a fact."
"England, you are in dire need of some cooking lessons. Perhaps I can provide you with some private classes?"
doesn't like the sound of that. At all. "No, thank you. My cooking is just fine."
smirks, "Just fine? Then let me teach you how to make it perfect. Would you like to come over to my house some time?"
scrunches his nose, "I would not. I don't particularly enjoy French cuisine."
he laughs, and there's a slight twinkle in his eye. "You eat beef, do you not? I can't help but reminisce of the days of when I cooked for_
_you and all you could ask for was beef!"
turned a little pink at the accusation. It was true. He was rather fond of roasted beef and it still stands true. The term rosbif didn't_
_come from nowhere, after all... "Th-That had been just a phase! Now I only eat it on occasions."
"Beef face and brow face!! Kesesese~!"
"My awesome self feels for you brows, I really do. Kesesesesese~!"
"Given your response, I highly doubt you feel anything."
fakes a shocked expression. "Howd you guess?"
growls at him. "You are positively insufferable."