Sydd Sinister
12 years ago
asks Vanity Fair? is that the skin fair?
latest #11
12 years ago
I think they did do the skin fairs in the past.
Sydd Sinister
12 years ago
this is an event called Vanity Fair, but there is nothing about it in the Vanity Univers group that usually does the skins fairs
Sydd Sinister
12 years ago
so i am confused on whether or not this is the same thing since its in just a few days and I have heard nothing about it
12 years ago
then I would assume its not skin fair
Sydd Sinister
12 years ago
yeah hmm
12 years ago
well this is one of the items to be at Vanity Fair. 1pinkpill.files.wordpres... so yeah not skin fair.
12 years ago
Sydd Sinister
12 years ago
Sydd Sinister
12 years ago
and i hate thopse pants
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