Mattie is
12 years ago
knocking on Al's door.
latest #319
12 years ago
smiled back and held out the single rose he'd gotten on his way here. "Hey Al! I was wondering if you wanted to go for coffee?"
12 years ago
flushed darkly at that but kissed him back. "Alright," he leaned in to steal another kiss. "My treat of course."
12 years ago
laughed a bit and smiled as he grabbed his hand when he had the chance. He lead him out to his car. "Yeah of course."
12 years ago
turned to grin at him as he let go of his hand so he could around to the driver side of his car. "I try."
12 years ago
nods as he got into his car and started it up. "Yup."
12 years ago
waited till he was well on the way to the coffee shop he hand in mind before he reached over to find Al's hand.
12 years ago
nods as he tried to focus on the road. "I have missed you."
12 years ago
blinks at that and looks over at him when he was stopped at a red light. "Eh?" he blinked a bit but smiled and nodded. "Sure."
12 years ago
flushed darkly at the kiss but didn't protest it. He smiled at that and nodded. "I want to wake up with you too Al."
12 years ago
nods a bit at that.
12 years ago
smiled faintly and reached over to pat him on the head lightly.
12 years ago
flushed at that and smiled even more. He thought Al was adorable right now. He took a few bites of his own food as he watched him a bit.
12 years ago
flushed and smiled at that as he nibbled on his food. He leaned over and kissed him lightly. "I would like that."
12 years ago
returned the smile as he thought about that for a bit, "I can get the rest of mine to go." He wasn't extremely hungry anyway.
12 years ago
couldn't seem to get rid of his blush as he kissed him in response before he sat back and asked the waiter to pack his to go when she came
12 years ago
by again.
12 years ago
blinks a bit as he watched Al get up, "eh?" He was going to protest it but gave up quickly and nodded. He knew it was worth it to argue with
12 years ago
Al on that. "Alright."
12 years ago
followed him quietly and smiled as he held his hand. "You're being cute today Al."
12 years ago
laughs softly at that as he leaned forwards to kiss him almost loosing his balance. "well I'm totally into you as well." He nodded.
Mattie is
12 years ago
laughing with him as he kissed him again, wrapping his arms around his shoulders. "I love you too Al!"
12 years ago
flushed a bit at that and kissed him back when he asked for it. He hummed happily as he pressed into him.
12 years ago
blinks a bit at that and looks up at him curiously. He smiled at the blush though and kissed him again. "Know a good place?"
12 years ago
smiled at that, he was a bit excited about stargazing. He didn't get to go that often. "Well then you'll have to direct me."
12 years ago
leaned over and kissed him on the cheek when Al got in before he started out of the parking lot. "Where too?"
12 years ago
lightly leaned his head on his and smiling. "Alright."
12 years ago
followed his directions and startled when he heard that. He glanced over at him as he parked. "E-Eh?" He blinked before he nodded and smiled
12 years ago
, "I want that too."
12 years ago
blushed and kissed him back gently. He didn't know what to say to that... "Y-You already do know everything about me."
12 years ago
laughed a bit at that as he kissed him back softly, he shifted to undo his seat belt as he smiled. "Well I love cuddling and I love holding
12 years ago
your hand."
12 years ago
raised his brow at that as he watched him for a moment, "just holding my hand?"
12 years ago
smiled and kissed him lightly again. "I'm glad then.
12 years ago
hummed a bit as he kissed him back. "I have a blanket, always keep one in the car."
12 years ago
nods a bit as he shifted to let go of him and get out of the car. "It's fun kissing you anywhere though."
12 years ago
popped his trunk and went to get the blanket out of it. He went over to Al when he was done and kissed him on the cheek. "Romantic is good."
12 years ago
still couldn't keep the blush from his cheeks as he walked with him. When they found a spot he spread the blanket out and pulled Al down
12 years ago
onto it. "Being with you in general is good."
12 years ago
easily went into his arms and settled his own around Al. He smiled at that and kissed him lightly, softly. "I love you Al."
12 years ago
watched him just as quietly, examining him before he kissed him back lightly. He gently pulled him in closer in and gently combed his
12 years ago
fingers through his hair. This was nice. "So are you going to point out some stars to me?"
12 years ago
laid next to him, kissing him softly. He laid next to him and looked up at that stars, listening. "I like sharing this mood with you."
12 years ago
shifted to rest his head on his shoulder as he smiled. He was enjoying this.
12 years ago
tilted his head to look over at him and smiled. He shifted to point at the sky, "the little dipper. I've always liked it... don't know why."
12 years ago
blushed at being called cute. He kissed him back and laughed a bit. "Not cute... what's your favourite?"
12 years ago
cuddled up to him and kissed him on the lips again. "It suits you."
12 years ago
laughed at that and shook his head lightly as he shifted to nuzzle his neck. "I'm not cute... and yes because you're so buff and cool."
12 years ago
smiled at that and closed his eyes.
12 years ago
kissed him back gently, shivering a bit at the hand in his hair.
12 years ago
wrapped his arms around him lightly and smiled into the kiss. He really enjoyed this.
12 years ago
made to protest at being pinned but stopped quickly with the kisses and smiled into them. "And... you're hot." He got out.
12 years ago
flushed and kissed him lightly as he smiled. "You're just as amazing Al."
Mattie is
12 years ago
still blushing as he watched Al, he leaned up a bit to steal another light innocent kiss. "I love you too Al, so much."
12 years ago
smiled at him and shifted to run his fingers through his hair. "Thank you for having me."
12 years ago
closed his eyes and laughed softly at that, he shifted to kiss him on the lips lightly. "Thank you Al."
12 years ago
wrapped an arm around him and cuddled up to him happily. "And you're handsome." He was comfortable like this, it was nice.
12 years ago
hummed softly at that and kissed him lightly. "Yes, you are pretty handsome."
12 years ago
blinks a bit at that and shrugged lightly. "It's part of it? I've been attracted to you for a while... I... I don't even know why Al..."
12 years ago
flushed at that and looked over at him, "I guess. You're also the person I
12 years ago
am closest to, you're always around and... I just... I don't know."
12 years ago
returned the smile and kissed him again, humming softly. "I'm glad to hear it, I love you so much Al."
12 years ago
looked a bit embarrassed as he kissed him back softly. "I am glad I am here too." He nodded.
Mattie thinks
12 years ago
for a moment before he smiled and cuddled up closer to him. "This is pretty close to it."
12 years ago
smiled at that and nodded. "What's your perfect date?" He held onto him in return as he looked over at him.
12 years ago
hummed softly and kissed him again lightly. "Yeah? I love you."
12 years ago
laughed as well, kissing him back as he snuggled into him more.
12 years ago
nods a bit as he rested his head on his chest. "Very comfy. Are you?"
12 years ago
flushed a bit and moved up to kiss him lightly. "I like this a lot."
12 years ago
smiled and kissed him back. "I'm glad." He nodded.
12 years ago
blinks a bit and looks up at him, "I'm not pretty... you make me sound girly."
12 years ago
flushed and kissed him on the lips again. "If you're trying to get sex tonight you don't have to say nice things."
12 years ago
smiled at that and kissed him again, nipping lightly at his lower lip. "You shouldn't be... I mean... a lot of people don't even notice me
12 years ago
so I'm used to that." He closed his eyes and kissed him on the cheek.
12 years ago
looked over at him and smiled at that, nodded a bit. He tightened his arms around him even more. "You don't have to say it Al, I know you
12 years ago
do. You're always there for me, even when I don't want to be." He laughed a bit kissed him, "but I love that about you."
12 years ago
smiles up at him, "I appreciate it as long as you let me tell you how sexy and amazing you are." He kissed him lightly again. "It's getting
12 years ago
a little chilly."
12 years ago
grinned at that, "oh I know you do. The whole world knows it too." He shrugged a bit at the question. "Up to you."
12 years ago
blinks at that and nods, "sure." He leaned in and pecked him on the lips lightly.
12 years ago
blushed a bit and smiled at that as he kissed him back lightly, enjoying this. "I like the sound of that a lot."
12 years ago
laughed a bit as he kissed him back, wrapping his arms around him lightly. "I really like kissing you too," he had to pull back a bit to get
12 years ago
his response out.
12 years ago
smiles at that and kisses him on the lips quickly. "Mm... I couldn't imagine not enjoying kissing you."
12 years ago
rolls his eyes at that and nods he walked with him back to the car. He kissed him back and smiled. "I wont."
12 years ago
draped his arms around his waist and kissed him back lightly. He flushed at Al's words and tightened his hold on him. "How could I ever
12 years ago
forget that?"
12 years ago
smiled against his lips as he pulled him closer, "no... not really. I mean there are days... but I still love you anyway." He curled his
12 years ago
fingers through Al's hair as he kissed him again.
12 years ago
made a small sound close to surprise at the hand on him. He flushed and pressed forwards into him, returning the kiss just as firmly. He had
12 years ago
no intentions of pulling away any time soon.
12 years ago
curled his fingers tighter in Al's hair as he pressed as close to him as he could. He moaned softly into the kiss, enjoying the moment. He
Mattie was
12 years ago
still shocked by Al's acceptance of this, he really was. He was beyond happy, but still shocked.
12 years ago
closed his eyes and tilted his head back for him, shuddering at the nips. "I love you too Al, so much."
12 years ago
hummed softly at that and pressed into his hands. He tilted his head so he could kiss him again. "I love you too Al, you're so perfect."
12 years ago
doesn't even notice that he was trying to get them into the car as he kissed him back. He was completely occupied by Al and tasting as much
12 years ago
of him as he could.
12 years ago
eased his grip on Al's hair, sliding his fingers to the back of his neck. He was all to used to letting Al have control of it by now, he
12 years ago
enjoyed it.
12 years ago
moans when Al broke the kiss, taking the chance to catch his breath. He could feel the Flush in his cheeks as he smiled, "you're... A good..
12 years ago
Kisser Al."
12 years ago
grinned and laughed a bit as he went easily. He pulled Al down into the back seat with him and kissed him again. "You think so?"
12 years ago
gasped and pressed into those hands, he slid his own down Al's back and up under his shirt in response. "Better than everything else?"
12 years ago
felt himself flush even darker as he kissed him back. His fingers gently explored Al's back before settled just above his rear and pulling
12 years ago
Him closer. "Oh good, cause I like kissing you more than anything else too."
12 years ago
smiled into the kisses as he returned the
12 years ago
them full measure. "I think that's a good addiction."
12 years ago
flushed as he arched into him, moaning softly. "Mm... of course I want to feed your addiction."
12 years ago
rolled his eyes a bit and kisses him back, grinning. "I know you do," he poked his side to emphasize his point, though it was a joke.
12 years ago
gasped a bit at the bite, "not at all." He tilted his head to kiss him again on the lips.
12 years ago
kisses him deeply and curls his fingers in his hair again, his other hand going to his lower back again.
12 years ago
moaned at that, wrapping his arms around him now and pulled him closer. "He slid one hand down bellow his pants now.
12 years ago
pressed his hips forward into his, he moaned against his lips again. Both his hands worked at undoing Al's pants now.
12 years ago
grins a bit as he pulled at his pants again. He moaned and pulled him even closer, humming. "Ah... Al..."
12 years ago
closed his eyes and shuddered with the bite. "A-Ah... Al.." he brushed his hand through Al's hair, his pants forgotten.
12 years ago
chuckled softly at that and kissed him back. "I'm yours." He nipped at his lower lip lightly and smiled. "All yours."
12 years ago
smiles and kisses him again before Al was kissing down his chest. He pulled him closer and kissed him again, pausing to remove his glasses
12 years ago
as well. "I love you Al."
12 years ago
flushed a bit and shook his head lightly as he combed his fingers through his hair lightly. "Nuh uh... but I love you too."
12 years ago
smiled at that, he is about ready to melt when he saw the look Al was giving him. He wrapped his arms around him lightly and pulled him in
12 years ago
for another light kiss. "I really love you too Al."
12 years ago
flushed a bit more as he kissed him again, humming softly. "I'm incredibly happy."
12 years ago
looked a bit embarrassed about that as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back lightly. "A-Ah... I think I know."
12 years ago
bit back another moan. "A-Al..." his hands had ended up back in his brother's hair as he flushed even darker. "I-I'm not... really."
12 years ago
squirmed a bit at the nip, making a small sound. "A-Ah..." he arched a bit into him. "I trust you Al..."
12 years ago
groaned, moving a bit into him. He tightened his fingers in Al's hair as he closed his eyes again, "mmm... Al... you're the one that's sexy
12 years ago
you know."
12 years ago
went completely red at that as he wrapped his arms around Al's shoulders and pulled him even closer to kiss him again. "You're being such a
12 years ago
fuckin' tease now..."
12 years ago
shakes his head quickly at that as he kissed him lightly on the lips. "No... I don't want to speed it up. I want to learn everything about
12 years ago
you too."
12 years ago
gasped a bit and tried not to squirm to much as he ran his fingers through his hair in response. He bit his lower lip lightly.
12 years ago
slid a hand to the back of Al's neck as he lifted his hips a bit for him so he could get his jeans down.
12 years ago
flushed as he tilted his head back a bit, moaning softly. "A-Al..." he didn't agree but, really... "Y-You're being silly."
12 years ago
smiled faintly as he shifted to look up at him. "I like it too..."
12 years ago
groaned and arched a bit into his hand as he moaned softly. "E-Eh..." he flushed as he looked up at him. "D-Do you need to ask?"
12 years ago
flushed darkly and looked up at him glaring a bit, but he smiled. "I want you to..." he bit his lower lip slightly and reached out to pull
12 years ago
him down so he could kiss him deeply. "I don't know."
12 years ago
kissed him back just as eagerly and whined a bit when Al pulled away. Though his words made him shiver. "O-Oh... fuck..." he curled his
12 years ago
fingers in Al's hair a bit, "will you still do that?"
12 years ago
moaned softly, hands shifting through his hair lightly. "Please Al... will you? I'll do the same for you."
12 years ago
kisses him lightly with that before he's closing his eyes and tilting his head back. "Mm... thank you Al." He was already excited.
12 years ago
(Sounds good. )
12 years ago
(Sure I'm sleepy though from work, so I might fall asleep soon.)
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