Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
latest #105
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"For the Twi'leks!" This just makes me think someone really wants to defend the dancer supply
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
One of these Nemoidians looks like a creeper. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Pantorans are pretty.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
What is even with that hat? This Pantoran looks like she cut an enormous ruffled skirt open down the side and draped it over her head.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
I wish my print screen was still working so I could screenshot this.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Damn, there are a -lot- of Nemoidians that look like creepers.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Ahsoka that hood does nothing to hide your horns
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Who names their kid Ion, anyway?
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
... Aww, Huttlet squashing a bug. Not sure if cute... or just disgusting...
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Yes, because Pantoran nobles totally won't stick out in Jabba's palace. Nice plan, bro
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
And this, ladies, is why you don't squeak in surprise.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
That Nemoidian looks like he's wearing a graduation cap. I can't take him seriously
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Damnit, Ahsoka, don't y'know detention centers have electronic security
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Nevermind that d'awww huttlet d'awww
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Bro, you don't just tell Jabba you're friends
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
I like how leading someone through the streets of Tatooine at gunpoint doesn't get anyone to bat an eye. No sarcasm meant actually
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Oh shit, dual pistols noble.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Return of the ruffle skirt headdress
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
This is the lame Mandalore
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
I can never tell if that one Padme headdress involves wood or hair
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Falleen with suspicious energy drinks. Only in The Clone Wars
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
This episode actually doesn't bug me except for how many times the word "corruption" gets used, jesus dick
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"This is too dreary, let's visit a hospital full of poisoned kids."
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Mandalore: Planet of silly hats.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
School superintendent speeder crash.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"Sure, I bribed the customs official, what's the problem?"
The BeYond
12 years ago
Let it be known that this is about twenty times funnier when you have zero context
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
You saw TEA SMUGGLIN' in progress? It was probably just swamp gas
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Police speeder reminds me of a horseshoe crab
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
It's not just hats. Everybody on Mandalore has bizarrely geometric hair
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
When suddenly, dumpster assault.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
This tea is SO SINISTER, the big pit full of tea glows orange like lava
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"Now I and my stained-glass earfins begin our crusade"
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
That awkward moment when you can't trust anyone in your own government any more.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Ahsoka the only thing you are "overqualified" for is getting yourself into trouble
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Since I haven't commented on Duchess Satine's normal headdress yet: Character limit means all I can say on the matter is "flower harp".
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Prime minister: "Quick, I better start looking shady."
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Don't worry, she can handle it, but Anakin has to go do the thing with the thingy somewhere else not here right now.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Who names their kid "Korkie"
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
In which shady guy blames Obi-Wan for causing trouble
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"Your saber is your life. Fork it over, kid"
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
I know exactly what he meant by "General Fisto is expecting us", but for a moment I laughed
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
I should make a joke about this weird lecture on corruption but all I can think of are the rows of mutant bonsai
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Fuck... fuck... no. Must resist urge to pause video and read all the Aurebesh on the screen. THERE IS NO HOPE FOR ME
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"this graph represents corruption related crimes something something Mandalore"
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Goddamnit Ahsoka your stupid self is blocking the wall of text so I can't read it all aaaaaaahhh /nerd
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Brotip: Chin-stroking is a bad sign
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
That moment of hilarity when you accidentally hit the slow button and the voices derpen
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"Let's go down to the warehouse district to steal midnight snacks:
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Time to spy on weird conehead aliens
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
And then Ezio stabbed him some Mando kids
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Dudebro, don't pause and peek around a corner when you're being chased
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"Well, shit. Where am I gonna get a new laptop?"
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
She's not blowing you off just because she doesn't want you getting beaten to death by unmarked riot police
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Mandalorians /clearly/ get their tree leaves from Minecraft
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
That's because you -can't- handle it. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH
The BeYond
12 years ago
So this is what descending into madness looks like
The BeYond
12 years ago
I've never seen it from this end
The BeYond
12 years ago
/me chintaps, takes notes
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Context is everything, bro.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"Let's have a nonsuspicious secret meeting"
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
For once Ahsoka sort of kind of has a point, but also these bros shouldn't brag about their break-ins in class
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"I know I'm a Togruta and not a Mon Cal, but IT'S A TRAP"
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Gee, Mando class bells sure have an ominous ring.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Don't worry, I KNOW KUNG-FU
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Good idea, punching the armored space riot cop
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
It's treason to tell you IT'S A TRAP
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
It's a dementor, that's who
The BeYond
12 years ago
"You got your Dementor in my Nazgul."
"You got your Nazgul in my Dementor!"
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Here, ID this hologram with no face
The BeYond
12 years ago
Two great tastes in one formless, soulless embodiment of dread?
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
The "bring your buddies in as prisoners" trick works every damn time
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Let's just leave her there while I go off to write a speech, she totally won't try to break the prisomers out
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
You'll know the signal when you see it? SO HELPFUL
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Yo dawg, we heard you like traps, so we set up a trap for your trap so you can be caught off-guard while you're catching us off-guard.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Never mind trying to find Ahsoka and the Duchess, how are you even going to get out of your cell?
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Actually, there are like six traitors to Mandalore here if you count his guards
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Damnit, Ahsoka, you can bite them, you know
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
See, you can't trust anybody with geometric hair. The Duchess and the kids don't have geometric hair!
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
TG, I know you're not watching The Clone Wars with me and all, but: I TOLD YOU THE COLLARS USED ELECTRICITY
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
It's Pong with stun blasts!
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Ahsoka why do you never bite anyone who's grabbing you, really?
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Apparently the Duchess set a trap for the Prime Minister's trap for Ahsoka's trap. We need to go deeper.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Goddamnit I hate this DVD player.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
And then the Prime Minister was sealed away in a telescoping ice cube
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Technically you didn't overthrow the WHOLE government
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
"Nothing you wouldn't have done" UNFORTUNATELY TRUE
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Tiiiiime for Disc 2! I think this is where the Savage Opress bullshit starts
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Damnit, I can't remember if they missed some episodes or if they're referring to an earlier season.
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Why... why does nobody in this show sleep under a blanket? -What-?
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Yoda be creepin', peepin' out through them blinds
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Oh hai Jocasta Nu
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
Squiddy Attack
12 years ago
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