...one day i will learn how do do a background thing without the picture repeating
but anyway, there. I'm not sure if i'm going to delete this plurk or not
/sends friend request like a ninja
Ahah watch me ping you wrong a bunch of times before I memorize your new one
sfjkls oh you're changing your plurk??
man this is gonna be weird to get used to
I think the way to keep the background from repeating is to find the code that says background-image: repeat
/will probably still expect sheep to say baww when I look for an Alex
Or write "background-repeat: no-repeat;" into the code
Or something to that effect.
i'll experiment with it later
and yes, i decided that sheep_say_baaa was just too long and cluttered and finicky
chocoballs is much shorter
watch me forget it like 10,000 times now
Just so you're always a Tiger-something or whatever, at least we can id you by display name.
I am pleased by the new layout ufufu
i will always be a tiger
unfortunately, i don't think i'll be red for a while
you can't change your plurk color yet?
apparently you don't get to be colors until your karma is a certain level or something?
i don't have the option to do it, anyway
>> I think I wrote the color into my code? But I forget how
i'll play around with it more later
I can look at mine later if you want? But I've had mine blue from the time I made the account XP
i done did added you and stuff
Elvellyn but you don't display blue to the rest of us in our own plurks. The username color is in profile settings, not a code.
/likes to add later when I'm home
really? AH WELL! I get to see it at least XP
explains why it's a different shade of blue than the settings blue
but oh wow, that is a really pretty shade of blue
/tempted to do purple.... somehow...
/is also terrible at coding things
I think it took me a few days to figure out how to get my layout the way I wanted
welp i think that the only way to prevent the background from repeating is just getting a really long background picture
ALSO I'VE CHANGED MY MIND i have stuff on this plurk i don't want to lose
i'll just put it on permanent vacation
but obviously you're free to defriend it and such
ah you should be able to get the red soon enough, you've already hit 9. I think it's 10 where you can do that stuff
...also how should i go about changing my infos on the contact page
/easily confused by simple things
batty_chan: oh and ridiculously late, but yeah... i thought it was time i gave my other canon some love
Ginko has been my background for long enough
and i adore this pic of them
/gently adds......

mmmm chocoballs
sheep_say_baaaa: usually people post their new plurk on the ooc then go to the player contact page and just say you changed your plurk
oh, okay... an ooc post seems a little much though XD
but i'll do the player contact page thing!
people do that fairly commonly though
like both Cala and Kristi did it and I think a few more
lmao it's just plurk is so big for Scorched it's a big enough deal
i'll wait until the flurry of intros to die down
it's kind of like changing your character journal
sadly, that just... gave me a single one on one side and the rest went green
Yeah, to keep it from repeating, you need something that fits the dimensions of the timeline
yuuup... i'll just live with it until i find something i like XD
you could try stretching it in photoshop?
i think that would look silly >_>
potentially you could just take the blue edges and like copy them over and add them to the sides
idk I had a fanart and my computer stretched it for my desktop background and it looks fine
Friend request sent, I hope /is on her phone