the only thing you want to tag is smut
but you only smut with like
both of which are unavailable rn
except ive only smutted with one person. once. hahaha
i've smutted with three in my RP career, but one of them was a pretty special circumstance and it only happened once
As I frequent TLH... this does not apply to me. lol
..........unless i count that one meme with GJ, in which case it's four people
LOL, i'm scared of trying that place out
much more comfortable to smut with people you know
XD I blame my best friend for getting me there.
Then again... I do pretty much all of my one on one RPing with her and it tends towards smut. SO.
might as well go to the hotel? XD
frickincheng: LOL not that this was begging either you or Sera for tags, but
also we might be getting to the point where Jay walks in on them, in hte ohter thing
I still think there should be a thread with Kuro mistaking Bunny for Fai and groping him
not smut but hey its something lololol
when would that even happen but lmao
hahaha i have no idea. WHEN THEYRE ALL DRUNK obviously
and like...kuro stumbled to his room and finds Bunny passed out on his bed for some reason? idek lol
LOL that. could actually work, maybe
though Bunny might punch him if he tries /sob
oh my god that would be the most glorious thing
hah. yeah, i know that feeling. except instead of two, i have one. XD
I'm sorry precious I will try to tag you back soon? /dinner
it's not your fault my muse is horny or whatever the heck this is
anyway /tries to get some work done 'cause tags don't seem to be working lol
LOL, i have a bunch of lovely game tags sitting in my inbox, but i don't feel like doing them RN
i love you always and forever, FC
/sob/ we should all just have an orgy

that's okay, i had to invent a whole new AU for my character before i could get him any action
i think that probably qualifies as 'lame'
hey, i love him
mostly cause i kind of created him...
lol I know that moment. xD I'm glad I've discovered Bakerstreet for when it happens. > >; And now know a lot more people to ask to RP
i'm glad i've gotten over my shyness when it comes to public-forum smut, because one of my threads is on bakerstreet and it's smoking hot
...that reminds me, i want to do a babble about how my two Ginko AUs are different from canon and from each other...
except it's dinner time now
Hmm, I wonder if I could stalk this thread as well... /curious
and have a nice dinner, then! xD
i don't mind linking it here
! I would like that, then xD
just... be aware that this is not canon-Ginko, no matter how much he looks like him
lol Alright. I won't let it color my expectations of Citadel-Ginko, in that case. xD
...oh whoops i guess i should have asked before jsut linking it I HOPE THAT'S OKAY WITH YOU BB
lmao it's Kathryn I don't mind
xD I'm flattered. I'd actually stalked this already, as I found it when it was first started, but I lost track of it as it progressed