[meme] Five characters I would play if I had time.
latest #14
[FF8] Post-divorce arguing over child support and still hooking up with her ex Rinoa.
Because it's not like ladyfriend and I haven't played around with this idea before.
And I'm eternally fascinated with what Rinoa would be like after 30.
[FF7] Cid Highwind, because there is apparently a real lack of Cids out there that don't sound like 15 year old girls.
Which is not a dig at 15 year old girls, really, just that a 30+ year old man shouldn't sound like that.
Maturity is not his issue, it's pride. XD
[Persona 3] Aigis, because The Answer reminds me that she actually turned out to be my favorite.
[MGS] Psycho Mantis, because reasons.
Of which most of those reasons are I haven't played MGS2-3. XD
[Legend of Korra] Lin Beifong, because this is the first time I've seen a cranky old man in a fandom that is female.
But I am utterly terrified of that fandom and will just stick to cosplay with my friends. XD
But yes, creators, give me more cranky old men that happen to be female, because I'm tired of always latching onto old white dudes.
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