My OC's are impossible to control.....
latest #13 Zavier: (Gasps dramatically) That is not true!
Aren't we the ones that created them? How come we can't control them?!
Nathan: Zav, for you, it's definitely true.
Zavier: What about those creepy twins? They are way worse than me.
Olivia: we're not impossible. we're lively
Nathan: Because they Clavell twins have always been that way, Zav. (Waves to Olivia)
My Oc wants peacock for his wedding song you tell me
Gabriella: Awesome! (smirks)
Zavier: Everyone should listen to Olivia. She seems to have sense.
Gabriel: (Signs) "Just because we blew up silvery glittery color bombs in Derek's closet, that doesn't make us out of control."
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