Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
My OC's are impossible to control.....
latest #13
Miss Sophie
12 years ago
join the club honey
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
Zavier: (Gasps dramatically) That is not true!
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
Aren't we the ones that created them? How come we can't control them?!
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
Nathan: Zav, for you, it's definitely true.
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
Zavier: What about those creepy twins? They are way worse than me.
Miss Sophie
12 years ago
Olivia: we're not impossible. we're lively
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
Nathan: Because they Clavell twins have always been that way, Zav. (Waves to Olivia)
Cameron says
12 years ago
My Oc wants peacock for his wedding song you tell me
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
Gabriella: Awesome! (smirks)
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
Zavier: Everyone should listen to Olivia. She seems to have sense.
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
Gabriel: (Signs) "Just because we blew up silvery glittery color bombs in Derek's closet, that doesn't make us out of control."
Alice Flamingo says
12 years ago
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