I was able to make you that present you wanted. Not sure if you will like it though.
doesn't mind. As long as he took time to think about it, he's happy~
I looked around for hours...but I was finally able to find this beautiful red gem, I used a carving tool and hammered away at it for another
hour and I carved it into the shape of a heart.
what to do with a heart shaped rock. "haha I wanna see~" ^^
Takes the gem out of his pocket. "See..? Isn't it pretty?"
stares at it. So shiny~ "yea it is."
I could make it into a necklace if you want.
chuckles and takes the gem. "no haha I like it like this." He smiles, studying the rock.
Smiled a bit. "So does that mean you like it?"
puts it in his pocket. "of course. It's a beautiful gift. Oh and happy unbirthday again." He kisses his cheek.
Giggled and kissed his head. "And a happy unbirthday to you."
nuzzles his hair. "how do people here live...? Giving unbirthday gifts every day is tiring."
Sweatdropped. "Yeah..especially when there isn't much to give. No stores or anything." Wrapped his arms around Bya's shoulders.
sighs. "sorry Shou-chan I ran out of ideas already."
Chuckled. "Me too...Unless you'd want some fruit or something."
doesn't trust the food here. "no thanks. But I am hungry... but I don't want to grow or shrink again."
Wouldn't want that either. "We can try to fish or something?"
tried that. "fish talk here. I refuse to eat anything that speaks to me..."
Shudders. "Does everything talk?"
nods. "pretty much. I had to use the restroom and a tree smacked me with its branch. That hurt..." D:
Frowned. "Poor thing." Stroked his hair lightly. "What are we going to do about food?"
it when people stroke his hair like that. "I've been stealing food from that castle now."
Pouted. "Do you have anything left? I haven't eaten in days."
pulls out a piece of bread. "here have the rest. I'll go steal more later."
Grinned. "Thank you." Took the bread and nibbled on it.
should go steal some more. "it seems that lady is the only one here with food and clothes. And a working restroom...~"
for a bit. "...Is she a queen or something?"
brushes the crumbs off irie's mouth. "maybe. I took a shower in there yesterday. Its really easy to sneak in."
There aren't any guards or anything?
Yea but I flew over some. And killed some. ^^
Chuckled. "That's very like you. Want to go sneak in now?"
smiles. "not with you around. I'll be too worried about you to steal anything."
Pouts. "Alright. I can wait here for you."
steal a bunch of food so they can have a little party~
Smiled. "I'll be right here waiting for you when you get back. I will go find some water if you need?"
nods. "sure. I'll be right back~"^^
Kissed his cheek lightly. "Be careful."
always careful. "don't worry, my dear Shou-chan~" ^^
Gave him a quick kiss on the lips before back up. "Be right back."
smiles and flies back to that same castle.
Walked off to go find a lake to get some water.