searching for Betony.(Do you guys even know Fran got a bunny? |D) She'd been avoiding him since he got her, and he refused to put her in a-
latest #12
cage. As he was looking around a tree he spotted a rather large hole. Rabbits live in holes in the ground, right? After thinking it over for
about two seconds, he hopped in.
He landed with a small thump. He quickly got up an found... he was wearing a dress? What.
It was above-the-knee, light green, and very ruffly. On his legs were striped tights. Speaking of legs... He felt a little... airy down-
His head felt heavier too. Maybe because it seemed the be longer. Oh dear. It seems he was a girl now on account on his brand-new, small-
(Haha, flat chested? >.< )
(Betony found a mate, and had children, didn't you know?)
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