be opening them at Midnight Central time.
for this app round, the mods may be a little slower than usual, due to Comic Con and TFCon.
however, we will still do our best to get them processed in a timely manner!
... did we ever get an adult comm?
obviously my plan is to slam my apps in and then assault this adult comm
For shame Nie! For shame!
I don't actually know what our adult comm is.
Oh I see, it's that bad, huh? Well, maybe you're better off without it!
Have Starscream frolic in a field of crystak flowers?
That would require an adult comm due to the brainbreaking nature.
gonna go check now. If we don't have one, then I'll poke Mindy until we make one.
we'll need one if we're gonna do a kink meme, after all~
Jetfire and starscream need to get lost inside Liege's temple.
galaxia: Volunteering Pscream to NOT stumble across them
Also, do you think that when the next batch of characters comes in ... Prime Starscream could please have a community tag now?
Pscream can totally not run across them.
I just reserved BBRex last night
I have no idea if I can pull him off but I will try!
Mmejack: XD PScream can just walk into/talk to Jetfire before Starscream finds him, unless they're in there together form the start.
/wandering around lost in some other corner of the maze.
/Can hear their echos
/Deeply uncomfortable
Mmejack: Sure! I don't do the tags, but I'll try and figure it out.
Saeru: Thanks. There's no hurry, and this can be done when the new batch comes in, I just. Want to make sure I can tag things eventually
But it'll be easy to do it retroactively, so no big.
... Also, do we know where to post in the event of a character death yet?
OH MY GOD WE really don't have an adult comm.
Mmejack: Not yet on the death thing. I'll bring it up with the other mod-types ASAP~
Jolta: do it do it do it do it
I need to finish my app. someone make being sick not cause writers block
OKAY logs tags are now current with the taken page
galaxia: Oh god I'm horrible with making journals or names. Does anyone have any good suggestions?
We could always be losers and go with realignment_adult?
how about pistonsinservos?
Also ffft screwingupcybertron
but the votes are tied. e.e
/combines them into nutsforcybertron
Fuck it, reserve clangclangclang.
....I think I just honked
Owait that one is taken.
wonders 12 years ago
who took 'clangclangclang'
how about just clangclang
OKAY SO BASICALLY IT'S nutsandbolts vs screwingupcybertron?
I'm voting screwingupcybertron
Oh gosh I love them both but I think I like nutsandbolts best
I like nutsandbolts better too.
....i am too lame to have a preference other than LET US MAKE THIS HAPPEN.
xD; Also like the nutsandbolts better. /shrug
nutsandbolts, as good as crewingupcybertron is... I think nutsandbolts has more fun connotation!
I think nuts fits us quite well.
I'll just casually leave that here. YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO.
Source is Threadless "Lonely Robot, Dirty Mind" T-shirt, but Plurk is giving me weird errors when I try to post a link. =\
it seemed appropriate to post this.
if anyone wants it to look pretty, they'll have to do that themselves because hell if I know.
quick we need someone to draw pr0n for a layout
... i obviously need that lonely robot shirt
it's my characters in a nutshell