exploring with chrome already~
Maybe someone else will appear.
might appear. who knows how big this place is.
Sees a whole bunch of strange things. "Hiiiee!! This place is crazy!!"
Takes a deep breath and calms down. Keeps walking.
might appear later if he faints..
Nothing intense happned yet for him to faint.
/oh well worth a shot ;D and look a dodo runs by!/
/such a fascinating creature isn't it! and it's being chased by cards!/
Gapes. ".....o___o" Falls over and passes out.
x__x Mumbles unconciously.
make his appearance now. Well sorta. the cards walk away and he pokes irie's nose.
Whined. "Itaaaaai." Sets up.
pulls his sleeve next. "down here!" That's right byakuran is tiny! ^^
flies up to his face. "Shou-chan!!"
lands on his shoulder. "Shou-chan!!"
Why are you so small! Or am I huge?!
pouts. "stop talking so loud. It hurts."
sits down. "I drank something and then I shrunk to this size..." He gives him a sad helpless look. Well he is the size of your palm now.
Whispers. "Oh great. I'll find Kikyo and give you to him."
kicks the air. "I don't know where he is."
Picked him up and sat him on the ground, standing up. "Good luck with that."
floats up. He doesn't like the ground. There are bugs. "what if I stay this size forever Shou-chan?"
Shrugged. "Not my problem is it?"
scowls and flies next to his face. "what's wrong with you?"
What do you think?The way you acted earlier.I know it's my fault.But I made a mistake.You could forgive me and give me another chance.
frowns and crosses his arms. "you got me worried you idiot..."
Blinked a bit. "About what?"
mumbles, "when you forgot me..."
about to kick his face. "of course I care! You're my friend before anything else..."
Frowned and curled up. "Then...What if I didn't forget you, but I only forgot that I loved you?"
sighs. "is your goal in life to make my life difficult?"
"Well...I have been known to make things difficult..."
what do you want me to do?
Looked at him. "...Tell me what your choice was..."
pouts. "But I don't want to say it when I'm this size..."
What do you think I will do? Hurt you?
shivers at the thought. "later okay...I'm more worried about not being eaten alive now."
Looked away. "You're just putting it off and making me even more upset..."
I want to tell kikyo-kun and you at the same time.
Nodded a bit. "Let's go find him then..."
[I still think I know what it is~]
how about we find something to help me? ^^ [no you dont]
Looked around. "Well...Do you know what exactly you took to make you small?"
[He's gonna choose neither, that's what I think. And probably going to go off with Chrome or someone else.[]
. "Maybe if you drank something else it would turn you back to normal?"
[Well I know what he's NOT going to choose. :T -Will stop talking OOC now- x.x]
[interesting idea though]
drink that same thing? But I don't know where i found it...
N-no! Don't drink the same thing! It might make you smaller. [Please don't do that...xD]
[you do know I'm gonna flip a coin right lol when the time comes]
Tilted his head in thought. "....I guess we should just look for a different vile and see if it works?"
sits on his head. "Can I stay here....I'm tired..."
Alright. You rest while I try to look for something that looks like it will work.
braids his hair while he sits up there. "thank you~"
Sighed. "Really." Mumbled.
practically makes a bed up there with his red hair.
I see I will have to brush my hair afterwards
curls up. "What shampoo do you use? It smells like fruits."
is that why your hair is red?
Chuckled. "No. It's natural."
smiles. "I like this smell." ^^
Mumbled. "Thank you..." Bends down. "I found something."
climbs so he's hanging off his bangs. "Found what?"
A vile with liquid in it. Try drinking it.
grabs it and takes a small sip.
Watches and sees what happens.
shrinks even smaller. "Shou-chan!" D:
Panic. "Okay maybe that was the same thing..." Looked around quickly and found what looked like bread? "Here eat this.."
notices that's the same cake he found when he first arrived! He is hungry... so he takes a big bite.
does grow bigger! He's now almost back to his original height!
Smiled. "Alright it's working! Eat a little more."
nods and eats another bite. He grows a little more...oh yea his clothes kinda ripped from his height change...~
Sweatdropped. "Okay I think that was a little too much."
he's his normal height now. Good enough. He pouts, looking at his ripped clothes.
grabs the cloth and pulls it off. "haha thanks though~"
Blushed a bit. "Y-yeah..you're welcome."
Takes his jacket off and gives it to Bya.
smiles and takes it, putting it on. "He looks at the jacket. "Am I the right height? I'm still shorter than you,"
Shrugged. "I don't think you are."
pouts. He is shorter! He looks for the cake again.
Chuckled and watched him with amusment.
takes a smaller bite and waits to grow. "What's so funny? D:
Shook his head a bit. "Nothing..."
grows back to his original height. "okay that's better."
Stopped and thought for a bit. "....I'm remembering why I erased my memory."
turns around. "Oh?" and?"
It was because you told me I was in the past..I some how got mixed up with my younger self. I was upset because of that.
stares. "I don't get it...you're angry cause you're older?"
Looked at him. "The thought of being with someone THAT much younger than me I guess didn't settle right with me. But..."
"I don't care that much any more. I've been around you for awhile now not knowing you were younger, and was fine."
shakes his head. "I can't believe you got angry cause I was younger...."
I guess another reason was because I was afraid you would rather be with someone your own age. So I knew I was going to be rejected.
holds in his laugh. "I've slept and been with people younger and older than me. Age really doesn't matter."
Sighed. "I'm sorry....Are you still mad at me?"
no I'm not mad. Just stop being a drama queen.
Looked at him shyly. "Can I have a kiss then?"
smiles and leans in, gently kissing his lips.
Smiled a bit and kissed him back softly. "Let's...Try to find Kikyo now.."
looks down. "I'm practically naked...."
Shrugged. "Not like he hasn't seen you naked before."
yes but I want to look...presentable.....?
Ah I see. Want to impress him.
sighs. "let's just not bring this up till I find a way back to our world okay. I don't even know where we're at..."
Seems to be we're in a..parallel universe?
smiles. "I thought that but no I don't remember this world."
ruffles his hair. "Just be patient. Oh and mind telling me why Gingerbread was in my room the other day...telling me to love you...?"
Twitched angerly. "That little imp. He thinks I need some one to love me or I will be depressed and take it out on him."
it's okay. you have that annoying cinnamon roll head...
Sighs and shook his head. "Why doesn't any one understand."
scowls. "I always found him annoying."
[eat his hair basil. it tastes good]
He..doesn't even talk that much to be annoying.
[i would know. i work next to a cinnabon at the mall. YOU KNOW HOW TEMPTING THAT SMELL IS?!]
Mumbled. "I don't love him though..So now I don't "have him""
doesn't make a face. He shrugs and starts walking. "I'm not placing bets...but he's going to be the first person you run to if -
(I can imagine, used to have karate next to a pretzel place and sit near it when waiting to be picked up)
smirks. "I would surely be surprised."
Smirked back. "The prepare to be surprised."
kicks some dirt. "You know flowers here talk..."
I bet they have much to say.
"Probably something like "Do you have any idea how many people step on us?" Or something."
Laughed a bit. "Flowers are mean? I never imagined."
grabs his hand when he sees a flower. "They are mean." D:
Looked down at the flower. "Wanna be crushed?~"
pulls his hand. "Don't do that." The flowers turn around and look at them.
Pouted. "But you're scared of it."
not scared! Sorta! "Don't crush them...!"
"Just stay back, and let me take care of them for you~" Walked up behind the flower.
Falls over on his face. "x_x Ow." Sat up and realized his glasses broke. "....Shoot."
blinks. "Sorry! But you were going to kill it..."
Pulled a piece of the lens out of his face. "Owowowow Q~Q.....Alright I won't kill it!"
takes his glasses off and brushes the broken lens off his face. "I'm sorry."
Smiled a bit. "It's fine...I should have listned to you. I learned my lesson."
looks at him. "you should get contacts. You look better like this."
Blushed deeply and looked down. "I-I'll think about it."
grins, kissing his cheek. "haha you don't have to get contacts. I have the weirdest feeling you'll poke your eye out."
Pouts and lays his head against Bya's shoulder. "Meanie~~"
smirks. "haha you are kind of clumsy."
Mumbled as he wrapped his arms around the other. "I know."
looks at the flowers. "they're watching us Shou-chan~"
Stuck his tongue out at them. "So? Shall we give them a show?"
raises an eyebrow. "haha wow Shou-chan you're feisty...~"
I was only making a suggestion, Byakuran-sama.~
makes eye contact with the flower. "haha it's staring so intently....~"
"Let's give it something to stare at." Kisses Bya on the lips deeply.
smirks and melts into the kiss, suddenly straddling his lap.
Closed his eyes and gently runs his tongue across the other's lips.
slowly opens his mouth for the other's tongue to enter. He grabs his collar and pulls him closer.
Gripped onto his shirt loosly, sucking on his tongue and nibbling at the muscle.
adds pressure and without breaking their kiss, he pushes irie so he's on his back.
Wrapped his arms tightly around Bya's shoulders and gently grinded his hips against the other's.
groans from the friction as he tilts his head, deepening their kiss.
Softly stroked the other's hair between his fingers and nipped at his lip.
hears the flower coughing behind them and smirks. He gently pulls on irie's shirt.
Ran his hand up Bya's waist and rubbed circles along his back.
slowly pulls away from the kiss, his face dark red. he looks at the flower which doesn't seem to be there anymore.
Giggled. "Seems like it didn't like our show."
gently runs his thumb over irie's lips. "it was just shy~"
Took Bya's hand and kisses his finger tips gently.
purrs looking pleased with his affections.
Smiled a bit and sat up straight.
kisses his jawline. "where shall we go now?"
Slipped his fingers through the other's and held his hand lightly. "Doesn't matter where we are. As long as you're here with me."
hums as he plays with irie's hair. "let's go jump on mushrooms."
Giggled. "Sounds super fun." Stood up.
smiles and jumps to his feet. He enjoyed jumping on those~!
Takes his hand. "Lead the way.":
skips along the grassy road till they reach giant colorful mushrooms.
Lets go of his hand and starts walking forward, his poor eye site now allowing him to see the branch, he tripped. "Ah!"
helps him up. "you okay?"
Laughed, embarrass. "I'm such an idiot."
leads him to a mushroom. "can you even jump on this without hurting yourself?"
smiles and pushes irie to a mushroom.
"Wah!" Fell on it and bounced up. "Whoaaa!"
Clung to Bya tightly. "Kyaaa."
bounces from mushroom to another one. "haha don't cling to me! Jump off its fun!"
"Jump off?" Jumped off the mushroom and landed on his butt. "x_x"
flies next to him. "is your butt okay?"
Stood up and rubbed his butt. "I think it's fine. ^^;; I really am a clutz it seems..."
pats his butt. "haha at least you didn't break anything this time~!"
Blushed at the other touching his butt, nodded. "Let's try that again!" Jumped up onto the mushroom.
smiles and bounces on another one.
Started bouncing up and down, laughs. "Haha. This is quite fun."
chortles and bounces closer to him.
Almost runs into Bya. "Whoa. xux"
tickles him while he's in the air.
"N-nooo!" laughs and squirms.
chuckles and bounces away before he can tickle him.
Sighs in relief and keeps bouncing.
waves a finger. "what? Can't catch me?"
Smirked. "I bet I can!" Bounced after him.
floats over him when irie gets close and bounces off
Pouted. "No fair. I can't fly."
jumps a little closer. "should have made a jet pack or something~"
Tried to jump up and grab him.
makes a quick grab for his hands and stops him. "haha got you~"
pushes him away and jumps to the ground, stumbling a little from all the bouncing.
Sat down on the mushroom.
smiles and walks closer. "that was fun."
Nodded and smiled. "I'm glad you had fun."
rests his head on the mushroom, trying to catch his breath from all the jumping.
Gently caressed Bya's hair.
hums contently, closing his eyes.
Rested his eyes a bit as well.
opens his eyes and slowly pulls the other into a kiss. A chaste one this time.
Smiled a bit and closed his eyes, giving him the same kiss.
jumps onto the mushroom, taking a seat next to him. He yawns.
Laid his head against the other's shoulder. "Tired?"
nods. He pats the dust off irie's lap and rests his head on it.
already resting. He rolls over so he's on his back. "yea. I'm tired."
Laid down next to him and closed his eyes.
snuggles close and closes his eyes as well. "night Shou-chan."
Yawned. "Night..Bya-sama...I love you."
kisses his cheek. "Hm...i..." And he dozes off.
Smiled a bit as he fell asleep