Tony Stark
12 years ago
story time because there is stuff that happened when i vacationed from plurk
latest #81
Tony Stark
12 years ago
alright well
Tony Stark
12 years ago
we are going to go back to march because in march, two days before st pattys day, i ventured off by myself to chicago
Tony Stark
12 years ago
to visit Mar because wow I missed her and she wanted me to come see Mindless Self Indulgence with her
Tony Stark
12 years ago
so I was all pumped for that! A few days away from home in Chicago during St Pattys Day with my bff? um hell yeah
Tony Stark
12 years ago
lol was I wrong
Tony Stark
12 years ago
the first 30 minutes of me being there, she was on the phone with her boyfriend, having him meet us where we were going to get food
Tony Stark
12 years ago
which was okay with me because hey im friends with her boyfriend too and thought yeah it would be awesome to see him again
Tony Stark
12 years ago
so yadda yadda he shows me and him talk a little and suddenly all conversation is between the two of them
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and im just
Tony Stark
12 years ago
Tony Stark
12 years ago
sitting there
Tony Stark
12 years ago
like "hi. can i join in too?"
Tony Stark
12 years ago
but apparently not
Tony Stark
12 years ago
so we go back to her dorm room, he goes back to his campus and im like okay yay msi time let me beat the shit out of people in the mosh pit
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and we get there
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and we get stuck on the balcony
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and i am pissed beyond all reason
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and its not like i can talk to her because when shes not watching the band play, shes texting her boyfriend
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and its so loud that i can barely make conversation with her either
Tony Stark
12 years ago
(and it didn't help that everyone in MSI was either high or drunk off their asses so they played terribly)
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i go to bed hoping the next day is better
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and its not
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and neither is the next day which was st pattys day because i got sick as fuck eating vegan food
Tony Stark
12 years ago
because wow thats all she had to eat and didnt want to go to any establishment that sold meat products because
Tony Stark
12 years ago
wow shes sooooo super vegan that she doesnt care for the well being of non-vegans!!
Tony Stark
12 years ago
wow suck my dick!!
Tony Stark
12 years ago
but yeah
Tony Stark
12 years ago
so the next and last day of our trip im just miserable because i was having a shitty time
Tony Stark
12 years ago
aside from going to this quaint little bookstore and getting two books and four Batman comics, & being able to find boots, i hated the trip
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i felt lonely and unwanted and invisible because whereever we went so did her boyfriend and her college friends
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and i just sat
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and read
Tony Stark
12 years ago
because i wasnt being included no matter how much i tired
Tony Stark
12 years ago
Tony Stark
12 years ago
but anyway
Tony Stark
12 years ago
so the last night, we go to the beach at like 11pm (which is illegal and really stupid) and its me, mar and her boyfriend.
Tony Stark
12 years ago
we walk the beach barefoot towards a dock and while im putting my shoes and socks back on because wow the dock was really rough to walk on,
Tony Stark
12 years ago
they fucking
Tony Stark
12 years ago
leave me
Tony Stark
12 years ago
in the middle of the beach alone at night
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and my phone is dying
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and i am scared and freaking out inwardly and just want to go home
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i end up sobbing on the fucking dock in the middle of the night and some guy and girl find me and ask if im okay and obv i am not
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and they go to the college that was on the beach (which is mars boyfriends college) and offer to get me something to eat
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and at this point, i just dont give a fuck and go with them to the cafeteria
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and actually kind of enjoyed myself a little bit
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i barely ate, just kinda sat there upset and had a quiet conversation with them
Tony Stark
12 years ago
mar and her boyfriend come back to the college and go to the cafeteria and they looked like they just fucked
Tony Stark
12 years ago
(spoiler alert; they did!)
Tony Stark
12 years ago
but yeah
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i freaked out on mar as we made our way back to her dorm, on the L Train or w/e its fuckin called
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and thank god no one was in the same car as us because wow i was a HOT BLOODY MESS
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and she doesnt even say anything to me, just sits there with her hands in her lap like nothing was wrong
Tony Stark
12 years ago
acting like im the bad guy
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and apparently to her i was
Tony Stark
12 years ago
because the first thing out of her mouth the next morning was "you arent on your prozac anymore are you?"
Tony Stark
12 years ago
Tony Stark
12 years ago
(also hi i am back on my prozac now after all that because of these huuuuge breakdowns i had when i got home)
Tony Stark
12 years ago
TL;DR I had a shitty time in Chicago with Mar and now back to present time
Tony Stark
12 years ago
I have attempted to talk to her since and got no response from her
Tony Stark
12 years ago
so i gave up, deleted her from facebook, unfollowed her on tumblr/twitter and erased her number from my phone because
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i have no time for shitty friends
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and quite frankly, i was sick of being treated like dirt by her and being second to her boyfriends and friends
Tony Stark
12 years ago
but recently she unfollowed me from twitter and i was like "lol okay w/e" and now she sent a request to follow me again?
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and sent me a friend request on facebook?
Tony Stark
12 years ago
lmfao no fuck you
Tony Stark
12 years ago
I am done being treated like garbage by my so called """Friends"""
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i literally havent hung out with anyone that wasnt family or my boyfriend or angela in like a month
Tony Stark
12 years ago
and this is nothing again eli or angela but wow i thought i had more friends?
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i understand Steffie is busy and I am chill with that because we talk everyday anyway
Tony Stark
12 years ago
but wow
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i wish i had some decent friends in my life that weren't just internet
Tony Stark
12 years ago
i mean wow i even have been feeling kinda lonely online too???
Tony Stark
12 years ago
whenever i have attempted to really...converse with people...i feel like im just unwanted
Tony Stark
12 years ago
im lonely and want friendship
Tony Stark
12 years ago
from people
Tony Stark
12 years ago
because wow i feel like crap and like something inside me died and im an emotionless wreck
Tony Stark
12 years ago
but i dont understand why i care so much over stupid things because no one ever gave much shit over me?
Tony Stark
12 years ago
but um
Tony Stark
12 years ago
Tony Stark
12 years ago
im having a bad night can you tell?
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