wonders 12 years ago
what could the matter be.
(lol basil. Bel beat you to it)
follows after him seeing as going after Kikyo would not be a good idea.
[:/ oops. My bad. /wasn't paying attention to anything.]
"tsk why do you care Belphegor?"
shrugs. "Does it seem impossible for the prince to show some sort of interest in someone else's welfare?"
(pfft, I can still be in this, though we're in the mansion that we ditched you for)
"G-dono, that seemed quite the sacrifice for thee."
"tsk it can't be helped... its his decision to follow him not mine"....."and Bel, ask basil for the details"
(lol srry guys but i'm leaving soon.... gonna eat out)
looks to Basil. "What happened princess?"
[it's okay, i have to leave soon anyways...]
"Ah, Kikyo-san was with G-dono, and Byakuran-san showed up and wanted him to give him a distraction. G-dono was very against it, but-
Kikyo-san went with him anyway..."
confused. He thought Kikyo and Byakuran weren't seeing each other anymore...
shrugs. As if Byakuran-san needs to be in a relationship to do that...
(lol i seriously feel like being XAnxus right now)
(haha, I thought the same thing! XD)
"tsk, I feel like taking him down but I just can't"
understands how he feels. "Byakuran-san does some really unforgivable things. Yet, other is not bad to be around him..."
(I'm alone now T_T kk bye)
understands what G and Basil are referring to.
"tsk its getting too crowded here, if you people don't mind, i want to be alone"
stands up and opens the door prepared to leave
walking through the hall, crying.
hears someone crying and sees Kikyo crying (a river maybelol)
immidietly dashes to kikyo and hugs him. "what happened?. talk to me"
looks up to see G. he wipes his tears. "... nothing..."
hugs him ever more tightly and whispers in his ear "he's with someone else now isn't he".
(We now ship christmas here, to all those reading this, enjoy.)
(^I should be shot and killed for that.)
"I don't mind if you won't tell me". He looks Kikyo straight to his eyes. "I will always be here for you"
(lmao dino, thats too funny)
smiles "you will always have my shoulder to cry on"
strokes kikyo's cheek and wipes his tears. he laughs saying "don't cry, crying will make older"
doesn't say anything and starts crying. He turns his head to see Basil and Belphegor in the room.
leads him to a seat and kneels in front of him waiting for him to be calm enough to tell him about it
sits down. he stays silent.