BetaAndBot shares
15 years ago
a secret: Xenophilia better do her laundry soon, as it is stacked nearly as high as my aquarium! :-o C'mon now..!
latest #14
15 years ago
tattle fishy!
saxmangeoff says
15 years ago
we feel your pain BetaAndBot. Hopefully she does the laundry before you're buried! :-o
Loli says
15 years ago
narcfish :-P
Xenophilia says
15 years ago
Any day now, I swear...! ;-)
Chantnouveau says
15 years ago
Maxwell cannot see his fans and his fans cannot see him...
foraroundortwo says
15 years ago
oh noes!
Chantnouveau says
15 years ago
and he's so photogenic too...:-(
Xenophilia says
15 years ago
So sorry, all.. (tears)
saxmangeoff says
15 years ago
perhaps Xenophilia needs a visit from the Laundry Excellence Chair!
fauxtastic says
15 years ago
fauxtastic says
15 years ago
there were definitely some frat guys i knew who would have benefited from that
Chantnouveau says
15 years ago
just did my laundry...
Xenophilia says
15 years ago
(LOL) Yes, you're right! I need someone to come and make sure I'm cleaning my clothes. Making a trip to the laundromat today, I promise! :-D
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